Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2018
Autor(a) principal: Feitosa, Jair Freitas lattes
Orientador(a): Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
Banca de defesa: Lorieri, Marcos Antonio, Sales, Luis Carlos, Souza, Carlos Bauer de, Rom??o, Jos?? Eust??quio, Lima, Maria da Gl??ria Soares B.
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Universidade Nove de Julho
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o
Departamento: Educa????o
País: Brasil
Palavras-chave em Português:
Palavras-chave em Inglês:
Palavras-chave em Espanhol:
Área do conhecimento CNPq:
Link de acesso:
Resumo: The subject addressed in this dissertation involves the aspirations of students of the High School courses offered, in the campus of the city of Floriano, by the Instituto Federal do Piau?? (IFPI; "Federal Institute of Piau??"), in relation to the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute mentioned above. The problem analyzed in the research that originated the dissertation was to find out if the aspirations of the students are in accordance with the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute, especially for the Integrated Higher Education course of the said campus. In order to ascertain what the Federal Institute recommends, an analysis was made regarding the purposes and objectives present in several official documents. Then, in order to inquire about students' aspirations, semi-structured interviews were conducted, in which students reported on the influences they experienced and which led them to study in a school that potentially prepares them to achieve their goals and their dreams. The data collected in the interviews were analyzed in the light of the theoretical reference and the official documents included in chapter two of this study. From the analysis made, it was clear the existence of some insecurity of the students in relation to the future, in which way to go, what is proper to their age, as well as the fact that, at that moment, they need to make an important decision between: to enter the labor market in the professional area for which the course attended was intended to prepare them or to enter Higher Education. At the same time, these students reveal a fear: that they do not succeed in these ways. In fact, according to the answers of this specific group and according to historical data raised by the school itself over the course of a few years, most of the students of this course seek to enter Higher Education. This points to some mismatch with regard to one of the objectives of the IFPI courses, which is to prepare mid-level technicians for the labor market, although lately the Institute itself has offered Higher Education courses, including for their high school graduates, which also generates this expectation of moving towards Higher Education. Perhaps most students would not be expected to have such an aspiration. In addition, the data show that there are fewer students who want immediate admission into the job market and in the field of occupations for which the course has prepared them, and one of the reasons given for this is the economic situation of their families. There are also natural hesitations, partly related to the age and conditions of the moment and, on the other hand, related to doubts about the actual preparation offered by the course. And there are also those who claim to have career paths different from those pursued by the IFPI course, since experience has shown them that this is not what they really want. Finally, in the final considerations, some initial conclusions and positions are presented regarding the social functions of the Federal Institutes of Professional Education resulting from the analyzes made.
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spelling Lorieri, Marcos AntonioLorieri, Marcos AntonioSales, Luis CarlosSouza, Carlos Bauer deRom??o, Jos?? Eust??quioLima, Maria da Gl??ria Soares B., Jair Freitas2018-09-26T20:18:35Z2018-03-27Feitosa, Jair Freitas. Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise. 2018. 146 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo. subject addressed in this dissertation involves the aspirations of students of the High School courses offered, in the campus of the city of Floriano, by the Instituto Federal do Piau?? (IFPI; "Federal Institute of Piau??"), in relation to the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute mentioned above. The problem analyzed in the research that originated the dissertation was to find out if the aspirations of the students are in accordance with the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute, especially for the Integrated Higher Education course of the said campus. In order to ascertain what the Federal Institute recommends, an analysis was made regarding the purposes and objectives present in several official documents. Then, in order to inquire about students' aspirations, semi-structured interviews were conducted, in which students reported on the influences they experienced and which led them to study in a school that potentially prepares them to achieve their goals and their dreams. The data collected in the interviews were analyzed in the light of the theoretical reference and the official documents included in chapter two of this study. From the analysis made, it was clear the existence of some insecurity of the students in relation to the future, in which way to go, what is proper to their age, as well as the fact that, at that moment, they need to make an important decision between: to enter the labor market in the professional area for which the course attended was intended to prepare them or to enter Higher Education. At the same time, these students reveal a fear: that they do not succeed in these ways. In fact, according to the answers of this specific group and according to historical data raised by the school itself over the course of a few years, most of the students of this course seek to enter Higher Education. This points to some mismatch with regard to one of the objectives of the IFPI courses, which is to prepare mid-level technicians for the labor market, although lately the Institute itself has offered Higher Education courses, including for their high school graduates, which also generates this expectation of moving towards Higher Education. Perhaps most students would not be expected to have such an aspiration. In addition, the data show that there are fewer students who want immediate admission into the job market and in the field of occupations for which the course has prepared them, and one of the reasons given for this is the economic situation of their families. There are also natural hesitations, partly related to the age and conditions of the moment and, on the other hand, related to doubts about the actual preparation offered by the course. And there are also those who claim to have career paths different from those pursued by the IFPI course, since experience has shown them that this is not what they really want. Finally, in the final considerations, some initial conclusions and positions are presented regarding the social functions of the Federal Institutes of Professional Education resulting from the analyzes made.El tema tratado en esta disertaci??n involucra las aspiraciones de los estudiantes de los cursos de Bachillerato ofrecidos, en el campus de la ciudad de Floriano, por el Instituto Federal do Piau?? (IFPI), en relaci??n con los objetivos recomendados para estos cursos del Instituto mencionados anteriormente. El problema analizado en la investigaci??n que origin?? la disertaci??n fue averiguar si las aspiraciones de los estudiantes est??n de acuerdo con los objetivos recomendados para estos cursos por el Instituto, especialmente para el curso de Educaci??n Superior Integrada de dicho campus. A fin de determinar lo que recomienda el Instituto Federal, se realiz?? un an??lisis com respecto a los prop??sitos y objetivos presentes en varios documentos oficiales. Luego, para indagar sobre las aspiraciones de los estudiantes, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, en las cuales los estudiantes informaron sobre las influencias que experimentaron y que los llevaron a estudiar em una escuela que potencialmente los prepara para alcanzar sus metas y sus sue??os. Los datos recopilados en las entrevistas se analizaron a la luz de la referencia te??rica y los documentos oficiales incluidos en el cap??tulo dos de este estudio. A partir del an??lisis realizado, qued?? clara la existencia de cierta inseguridad de los estudiantes en relaci??n al futuro, en qu?? camino ir, qu?? es propio de su edad, as?? como el hecho de que, en ese momento, deben realizar una decisi??n importante entre: ingresar al mercado laboral en el ??rea profesional a la que asisti?? el curso fue para prepararlos o ingresar a la Educaci??n Superior. Al mismo tiempo, estos estudiantes revelan um temor: que no tienen ??xito de esta manera. De hecho, de acuerdo con las respuestas de este grupo espec??fico y seg??n los datos hist??ricos presentados por la escuela en el transcurso de algunos a??os, la mayor??a de los estudiantes de este curso buscan ingresar a la Educaci??n Superior. Esto apunta a un desajuste con respecto a uno de los objetivos de los cursos IFPI, que consiste en preparar t??cnicos de nivel medio para el mercado laboral, aunque ??ltimamente el propio Instituto ha oferecido cursos de Educaci??n Superior, incluso para sus graduados de secundaria, que tambi??n genera esta expectativa de avanzar hacia la Educaci??n Superior. Quiz??s no se esperar??a que la mayor??a de los estudiantes tuvieran tal aspiraci??n. Adem??s, los datos muestran que hay menos estudiantes que desean la admisi??n inmediata en el mercado de trabajo y en el campo de las ocupaciones para las cuales el curso los ha preparado, y una de las razones dadas para esto es la situaci??n econ??mica de sus familias. Tambi??n hay vacilaciones naturales, en parte relacionadas con la edad y las condiciones del momento y, por otro lado, relacionadas con dudas sobre la preparaci??n real que ofrece el curso. Y tambi??n hay quienes afirman tener trayectorias profesionales diferentes de las que persigue el curso IFPI, ya que la experiencia les ha demostrado que esto no es lo que realmente quieren. Finalmente, en las consideraciones finales, se presentan algunas conclusiones y posiciones iniciales con respecto a las funciones sociales de los Institutos Federales de Educaci??n Profesional resultantes de los an??lisis realizados.Aspira????es de alunos dos cursos de Ensino M??dio oferecidos em um dos campi do Instituto Federal do Piau??, campus da cidade de Floriano, e sua rela????o com os objetivos preconizados, para esses cursos, pelo referido Instituto, ?? o tema abordado nesta disserta????o. O problema do qual se partiu para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa que originou a disserta????o foi o de procurar saber se as aspira????es dos alunos se coadunam com os objetivos preconizados, para esses cursos, pelo Instituto, em especial para o curso Ensino M??dio Integrado do referido campus. Para averigua????o do que preconiza o Instituto Federal, foi feita uma an??lise a respeito das finalidades e objetivos presentes em diversos documentos oficiais do mesmo e para a averigua????o a respeito das aspira????es dos alunos foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas, nas quais os alunos relataram as influ??ncias que sofreram e que os levaram a estudar em uma escola que potencialmente os prepara para alcan??ar as suas aspira????es e seus sonhos. Os dados colhidos nas entrevistas foram analisados ?? luz do referencial te??rico e dos documentos oficiais constantes do cap??tulo dois. A partir da an??lise feita, ficou clara a presen??a de certa inseguran??a tanto em rela????o ao futuro, quanto, em alguns casos, relativa a que caminho seguir, considerada, esta inseguran??a, pr??pria da idade dos alunos e do fato de, nesse momento, estarem diante de dois poss??veis caminhos: o do ingresso no mercado de trabalho na ??rea profissional para a qual o curso se prop??s a prepar??-los e o ingresso no Ensino Superior. Ao mesmo tempo revelam um medo: o de n??o conseguirem andar por nenhum dos dois caminhos. Na realidade, de acordo com as respostas deste grupo espec??fico e de acordo com dados hist??ricos levantados pela pr??pria escola ao longo de alguns anos, a maioria dos alunos desse curso busca o ingresso no Ensino Superior. Isso aponta para certo descompasso entre um dos objetivos dos cursos do IFPI que ?? o da prepara????o de t??cnicos de n??vel m??dio para o mercado de trabalho, ainda que ultimamente, conforme mostrado no Cap??tulo 2, o pr??prio Instituto tem oferecido cursos de n??vel superior, inclusive para seus egressos do Ensino M??dio, criando neles, a par de outros motivadores, esta expectativa. Talvez, o que n??o fosse esperado, ?? que a maioria dos alunos tivesse tal aspira????o. Os dados mostram, tamb??m, que h?? n??mero menor de alunos que aspiram ingresso imediato no mercado de trabalho e no ramo de ocupa????es para o qual o curso lhes ofereceu preparo. Uma das raz??es apresentada para esta aspira????o est?? na situa????o econ??mica das fam??lias. Constatam-se, ainda, naturais hesita????es devidas, em parte ?? idade e condi????es do momento e, em parte, a d??vidas a respeito do real preparo oferecido pelo curso. E h??, ainda, os que declaram ter em vista outros caminhos profissionais, visto que o curso frequentado lhes mostrou que n??o ?? isso o que realmente desejam. Nas considera????es finais s??o apresentadas algumas conclus??es iniciais e posicionamentos a respeito das fun????es sociais dos Institutos Federais de Educa????o Profissional decorrentes das an??lises feitas.Submitted by Nadir Basilio ( on 2018-09-26T20:18:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jair Freitas Feitosa.pdf: 4189345 bytes, checksum: dcf9f6a364f6d076a9afc8dceff3a833 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-26T20:18:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jair Freitas Feitosa.pdf: 4189345 bytes, checksum: dcf9f6a364f6d076a9afc8dceff3a833 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27application/pdfporUniversidade Nove de JulhoPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUNINOVEBrasilEduca????oforma????o profissionalforma????o integradafinalidades dos institutos federaisaspira????es de alunos do ensino m??dioingresso na universidadeprofessional qualificationintegrated trainingpurposes of the federal institutesaspirations of high school studentsadmission to the universityformaci??n profesionalformaci??n integradafinalidades de los institutos federalesaspiraciones de los alumnos de la ense??anza mediaingreso en la universidadCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOAspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??liseAspirations of middle school students in the Federal Institute of Piau?? - campus Floriano: survey and analysisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis-240345818910352367600info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninoveinstname:Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)instacron:UNINOVEORIGINALJair Freitas Feitosa.pdfJair Freitas Feitosa.pdfapplication/pdf4189345http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1919/2/Jair+Freitas+Feitosa.pdfdcf9f6a364f6d076a9afc8dceff3a833MD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-82165http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1919/1/license.txtbd3efa91386c1718a7f26a329fdcb468MD51tede/19192019-10-17 18:29:08.934oai:localhost: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações||bibliotecatede@uninove.bropendoar:2019-10-17T21:29:08Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Aspirations of middle school students in the Federal Institute of Piau?? - campus Floriano: survey and analysis
title Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
spellingShingle Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
Feitosa, Jair Freitas
forma????o profissional
forma????o integrada
finalidades dos institutos federais
aspira????es de alunos do ensino m??dio
ingresso na universidade
professional qualification
integrated training
purposes of the federal institutes
aspirations of high school students
admission to the university
formaci??n profesional
formaci??n integrada
finalidades de los institutos federales
aspiraciones de los alumnos de la ense??anza media
ingreso en la universidad
title_short Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
title_full Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
title_fullStr Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
title_full_unstemmed Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
title_sort Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise
author Feitosa, Jair Freitas
author_facet Feitosa, Jair Freitas
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Sales, Luis Carlos
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Souza, Carlos Bauer de
dc.contributor.referee4.fl_str_mv Rom??o, Jos?? Eust??quio
dc.contributor.referee5.fl_str_mv Lima, Maria da Gl??ria Soares B.
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv Feitosa, Jair Freitas
contributor_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
Sales, Luis Carlos
Souza, Carlos Bauer de
Rom??o, Jos?? Eust??quio
Lima, Maria da Gl??ria Soares B.
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv forma????o profissional
forma????o integrada
finalidades dos institutos federais
aspira????es de alunos do ensino m??dio
ingresso na universidade
topic forma????o profissional
forma????o integrada
finalidades dos institutos federais
aspira????es de alunos do ensino m??dio
ingresso na universidade
professional qualification
integrated training
purposes of the federal institutes
aspirations of high school students
admission to the university
formaci??n profesional
formaci??n integrada
finalidades de los institutos federales
aspiraciones de los alumnos de la ense??anza media
ingreso en la universidad
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv professional qualification
integrated training
purposes of the federal institutes
aspirations of high school students
admission to the university formaci??n profesional
formaci??n integrada
finalidades de los institutos federales
aspiraciones de los alumnos de la ense??anza media
ingreso en la universidad
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO
description The subject addressed in this dissertation involves the aspirations of students of the High School courses offered, in the campus of the city of Floriano, by the Instituto Federal do Piau?? (IFPI; "Federal Institute of Piau??"), in relation to the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute mentioned above. The problem analyzed in the research that originated the dissertation was to find out if the aspirations of the students are in accordance with the objectives recommended for these courses by the Institute, especially for the Integrated Higher Education course of the said campus. In order to ascertain what the Federal Institute recommends, an analysis was made regarding the purposes and objectives present in several official documents. Then, in order to inquire about students' aspirations, semi-structured interviews were conducted, in which students reported on the influences they experienced and which led them to study in a school that potentially prepares them to achieve their goals and their dreams. The data collected in the interviews were analyzed in the light of the theoretical reference and the official documents included in chapter two of this study. From the analysis made, it was clear the existence of some insecurity of the students in relation to the future, in which way to go, what is proper to their age, as well as the fact that, at that moment, they need to make an important decision between: to enter the labor market in the professional area for which the course attended was intended to prepare them or to enter Higher Education. At the same time, these students reveal a fear: that they do not succeed in these ways. In fact, according to the answers of this specific group and according to historical data raised by the school itself over the course of a few years, most of the students of this course seek to enter Higher Education. This points to some mismatch with regard to one of the objectives of the IFPI courses, which is to prepare mid-level technicians for the labor market, although lately the Institute itself has offered Higher Education courses, including for their high school graduates, which also generates this expectation of moving towards Higher Education. Perhaps most students would not be expected to have such an aspiration. In addition, the data show that there are fewer students who want immediate admission into the job market and in the field of occupations for which the course has prepared them, and one of the reasons given for this is the economic situation of their families. There are also natural hesitations, partly related to the age and conditions of the moment and, on the other hand, related to doubts about the actual preparation offered by the course. And there are also those who claim to have career paths different from those pursued by the IFPI course, since experience has shown them that this is not what they really want. Finally, in the final considerations, some initial conclusions and positions are presented regarding the social functions of the Federal Institutes of Professional Education resulting from the analyzes made.
publishDate 2018 2018-09-26T20:18:35Z 2018-03-27
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv Feitosa, Jair Freitas. Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise. 2018. 146 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
identifier_str_mv Feitosa, Jair Freitas. Aspira????es dos alunos do ensino m??dio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? campus Floriano: levantamento e an??lise. 2018. 146 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.relation.cnpq.fl_str_mv -240345818910352367
dc.relation.confidence.fl_str_mv 600
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Nove de Julho
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UNINOVE Brasil
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Educa????o
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Nove de Julho
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove
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