O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2017
Autor(a) principal: Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres lattes
Orientador(a): Lisboa, Carolina Saraiva de Macedo lattes
Banca de defesa: Não Informado pela instituição
Tipo de documento: Tese
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia
Departamento: Escola de Ci?ncias da Sa?de
País: Brasil
Palavras-chave em Português:
Área do conhecimento CNPq:
Link de acesso: http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7701
Resumo: Introduction: Soccer is a global sport and thereby the mobility of athletes to integrate new sports teams has increased significantly. From an early age, young athletes? resident in brazilian soccer clubs from different regions of the country and abroad face the process of acculturation, i.e. the transition/insertion into a diverse culture to your depending on the career. The process by which the individual cultural passes on moving to a new place culturally different from his own, has been shown to be of great impact to grip the new reality, and it directly influences the athlete?s performance and life cycle. However, this phenomenon has been little explored and taken into account when assessing the athletes? success and failure on the soccer context, especially in the field of Sport Psychology. Besides coming across very different cultural issues such as food, temperature and values, the athletes face intense routines of workouts interspersed with school activities, being at risk to present emotional distress by being in a new context and have little time to adapt because of high demand related to sports performance in soccer in a short period of time. Goal: To understand the process of acculturation in athletes from the soccer academy, identifying associated aspects and the transition to adulthood and emerging adulthood. Method: Survey of mixed and longitudinal design using a semi-structured interview, sociodemographic questionnaire and six instruments: Social Skills Inventory, Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood, Scale of Future Expectations for Adolescents, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Scale, Stress Symptoms Inventory. Eight athletes from a soccer acadamey club in the south of Brazil participated in the qualitative research. They were residents at the Club for at least 6 months and aged between 16 and 20 years. Twenty-nine athletes participated in the quantitative stage, considering that all these 29 acculturated athletes filled all the instruments on the admission at the Club but only 21 athletes completed the two subsequent applications, three and six months after their arrival at the Club. Content analysis as well as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis checking frequencies and correlations between variables were used for the data analysis. Results: Although the results do not show significant changes in variables over the three times collected during the six months of the process of acculturation, 63% of the acculturated athletes demonstrated social skills deficits after six months of this process, being the coping factors and self-exhibition the most significant ones. The athletes presented minimal symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress in the process of acculturation. However, significant correlations were found between social skills and selfcontrol of anxiety and depression. According to content analysis (Bardin, 2011), athletes describe points as the arrival at the Club without knowing anyone, the customs of the southern region, temperature, type of training, as well as the distance from home and the family as risk factors for adaptation and that interfere in their sports performance. They also make reference to an increase in the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTS) as WhatsApp for interaction with friends and family. Regarding the acculturated athletes emerging adulthood, they seem to be experiencing this phase, mainly features like ambivalence, exploration of identity and experimenting with possibilities, as being optimistic about what the future holds. In addition, the results show that athletes have prospects that they consider important for their future, especially connected to work, the constitution of a family and their health. Both age and future prospects are the only ones that appear to be significant predictors of emerging adulthood. Discussion: The decrease of social skills and athletes? speech strengthen studies that postulate the fact that the adaptation to a new culture can be a complex process and it can involve risk. Understanding the acculturation process and the challenges faced by athletes upon arrival at a new Club is important for prevention concerning social alienation, the deficits in social skills and sports performance failures. The forming of new links and support networks proved necessary and one of the main strategies used by athletes to face the adversity of the process of acculturation and the sport. Regarding emerging adulthood, the results seem to identify that athletes take on adult responsibilities as supporting a family, as well as freedom of choice and the possibility to experience new situations within a professional field and a romantic one. This occurs before assuming the role of adult accomplishing the dream of building his own family and obtaining professional stability, as they appear in the future prospects of these athletes. These responsibilities and future prospects seems to positively affect the mental health of athletes who do not have high levels of anxiety and depression. In addition, the future prospects were significantly influential to the emerging adulthood.
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spelling Lisboa, Carolina Saraiva de Macedo907.990.380-91http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4703269P7815.595.340-87http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4775564P3Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres2017-10-24T11:08:27Z2017-10-02http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7701Introduction: Soccer is a global sport and thereby the mobility of athletes to integrate new sports teams has increased significantly. From an early age, young athletes? resident in brazilian soccer clubs from different regions of the country and abroad face the process of acculturation, i.e. the transition/insertion into a diverse culture to your depending on the career. The process by which the individual cultural passes on moving to a new place culturally different from his own, has been shown to be of great impact to grip the new reality, and it directly influences the athlete?s performance and life cycle. However, this phenomenon has been little explored and taken into account when assessing the athletes? success and failure on the soccer context, especially in the field of Sport Psychology. Besides coming across very different cultural issues such as food, temperature and values, the athletes face intense routines of workouts interspersed with school activities, being at risk to present emotional distress by being in a new context and have little time to adapt because of high demand related to sports performance in soccer in a short period of time. Goal: To understand the process of acculturation in athletes from the soccer academy, identifying associated aspects and the transition to adulthood and emerging adulthood. Method: Survey of mixed and longitudinal design using a semi-structured interview, sociodemographic questionnaire and six instruments: Social Skills Inventory, Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood, Scale of Future Expectations for Adolescents, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Scale, Stress Symptoms Inventory. Eight athletes from a soccer acadamey club in the south of Brazil participated in the qualitative research. They were residents at the Club for at least 6 months and aged between 16 and 20 years. Twenty-nine athletes participated in the quantitative stage, considering that all these 29 acculturated athletes filled all the instruments on the admission at the Club but only 21 athletes completed the two subsequent applications, three and six months after their arrival at the Club. Content analysis as well as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis checking frequencies and correlations between variables were used for the data analysis. Results: Although the results do not show significant changes in variables over the three times collected during the six months of the process of acculturation, 63% of the acculturated athletes demonstrated social skills deficits after six months of this process, being the coping factors and self-exhibition the most significant ones. The athletes presented minimal symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress in the process of acculturation. However, significant correlations were found between social skills and selfcontrol of anxiety and depression. According to content analysis (Bardin, 2011), athletes describe points as the arrival at the Club without knowing anyone, the customs of the southern region, temperature, type of training, as well as the distance from home and the family as risk factors for adaptation and that interfere in their sports performance. They also make reference to an increase in the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTS) as WhatsApp for interaction with friends and family. Regarding the acculturated athletes emerging adulthood, they seem to be experiencing this phase, mainly features like ambivalence, exploration of identity and experimenting with possibilities, as being optimistic about what the future holds. In addition, the results show that athletes have prospects that they consider important for their future, especially connected to work, the constitution of a family and their health. Both age and future prospects are the only ones that appear to be significant predictors of emerging adulthood. Discussion: The decrease of social skills and athletes? speech strengthen studies that postulate the fact that the adaptation to a new culture can be a complex process and it can involve risk. Understanding the acculturation process and the challenges faced by athletes upon arrival at a new Club is important for prevention concerning social alienation, the deficits in social skills and sports performance failures. The forming of new links and support networks proved necessary and one of the main strategies used by athletes to face the adversity of the process of acculturation and the sport. Regarding emerging adulthood, the results seem to identify that athletes take on adult responsibilities as supporting a family, as well as freedom of choice and the possibility to experience new situations within a professional field and a romantic one. This occurs before assuming the role of adult accomplishing the dream of building his own family and obtaining professional stability, as they appear in the future prospects of these athletes. These responsibilities and future prospects seems to positively affect the mental health of athletes who do not have high levels of anxiety and depression. In addition, the future prospects were significantly influential to the emerging adulthood.Introdu??o: O futebol ? um esporte globalizado, e, assim, a mobilidade de atletas para integrar novas equipes esportivas tem aumentado de forma significativa. Desde muito cedo, jovens atletas residentes em clubes de futebol no Brasil, vindos de diferentes regi?es do pa?s e do exterior enfrentam o processo de acultura??o, ou seja, a transi??o/inser??o em uma cultura diversa da sua em fun??o da carreira esportiva. O processo pelo qual o indiv?duo aculturado passa, ao mudar-se para um novo local culturalmente diferente ao seu, tem se mostrado de grande impacto para sua ader?ncia ? nova realidade al?m de influenciar diretamente na performance e no ciclo vital do atleta. Contudo, esse fen?meno tem sido pouco explorado e levado em considera??o ao avaliar o sucesso e o fracasso dos atletas no contexto futebol?stico, principalmente na ?rea da Psicologia do Esporte. Al?m de se depararem com quest?es culturais bem diferentes (como alimenta??o, temperaturas e valores), os atletas enfrentam rotinas intensas de treinos intercalados com atividades escolares, estando, assim, em risco de apresentar sofrimento emocional por estarem em um novo contexto e terem pouco tempo para adapta??o, devido ? alta exig?ncia relacionada ? performance esportiva no futebol em um curto per?odo de tempo. Objetivo: Compreender como se d? o processo de acultura??o, identificando aspectos a ele associados, e o processo de transi??o para a vida adulta e a adultez emergente em atletas das categorias de base do futebol. M?todo: Pesquisa com delineamento misto e longitudinal, utilizando uma entrevista semiestruturada, question?rio sociodemogr?fico e seis instrumentos: Invent?rio de Habilidades Sociais, Invent?rio de Dimens?es da Adultez Emergente, Escala de Expectativas Futuras de Adolescentes, Invent?rio de Ansiedade Beck, Escala de Depress?o de Beck, Invent?rio de Sintomas de Stress. Participaram da pesquisa qualitativa oito atletas das categorias de base de um clube de futebol do sul do Brasil, residentes no clube h? pelo menos 6 meses e com idades entre 16 e 20 anos. Na etapa quantitativa, participaram 29 atletas, sendo que os 29 atletas aculturados preencheram todos os instrumentos na admiss?o no clube, e apenas 21 deles completaram as duas coletas subsequentes tr?s e seis meses ap?s sua chegada. Para a an?lise dos dados, foi utilizada a an?lise de conte?do e an?lise estat?stica descritiva e inferencial, verificando frequ?ncias e correla??es entre as vari?veis. Resultados: Embora os resultados n?o apontem mudan?as significativas nas vari?veis ao longo dos tr?s tempos coletados durante os seis meses do processo de acultura??o, 63% dos atletas aculturados apresentaram d?ficits nas habilidades sociais ap?s seis meses desse processo, sendo os fatores de enfrentamento e de autoexposi??o os que apresentaram d?ficits mais significativos. Os atletas apresentaram sintomas m?nimos de ansiedade, depress?o e estresse durante o processo de acultura??o. No entanto, correla??es significativas foram encontradas entre as habilidades sociais de autocontrole e ansiedade e depress?o. Segundo a an?lise de conte?do (Bardin, 2011), os atletas descrevem pontos, como a chegada ao clube sem conhecer ningu?m, os costumes da regi?o sul (por exemplo, alimenta??o e personalidade dos ga?chos), a temperatura, o tipo de treinamento, assim como a dist?ncia de casa e da fam?lia, como fatores de risco para a adapta??o que interferem no rendimento esportivo. Referem, ainda, um incremento no uso de novas tecnologias de informa??o e comunica??o (TICS), como o WhatsApp, para intera??o com amigos e familiares. Em rela??o ? adultez emergente dos atletas aculturados, os mesmos parecem estar vivenciando essa fase, experienciando principalmente caracter?sticas como ambival?ncia, explora??o da identidade e experimenta??o de possibilidades, sendo otimistas com o que o futuro os reserva. Al?m disso, os resultados apontam que os atletas possuem perspectivas que consideram importantes para o seu futuro, especialmente ligados ao trabalho, ? constitui??o da fam?lia e ? sa?de. Somente a idade e as perspectivas de futuro parecem ser preditores significativos da adultez emergente. Discuss?o: O decr?scimo de habilidades sociais e as falas dos atletas refor?am estudos que postulam que a adapta??o a uma nova cultura pode ser um processo complexo e de risco (Evans, & Stead, 2012; Richardson et al., 2012). Compreender o processo de acultura??o e os desafios enfrentados pelos atletas na chegada a um novo clube ? importante para a preven??o em rela??o ? aliena??o social, ao d?ficit em habilidades sociais e aos fracassos no desempenho esportivo. A forma??o de novos v?nculos e redes de apoio mostrou-se necess?ria e uma das principais estrat?gias utilizadas pelos atletas para enfrentar as adversidades do processo de acultura??o e do esporte. No que diz respeito ? adultez emergente, os resultados parecem identificar que os atletas assumem responsabilidades de adultos, como o sustento da fam?lia, al?m de liberdade de escolha e possibilidade de experimentar novas situa??es profissionais e amorosas. Isso ocorre antes de assumir o papel de adulto, concretizando a forma??o da pr?pria fam?lia e sua estabilidade profissional, como aparecem nas perspectivas de futuro desses atletas. Essas responsabilidades e perspectivas de futuro parecem afetar positivamente a sa?de mental dos atletas, que n?o apresentam ?ndices elevados de ansiedade e depress?o. Al?m disso, as perspectivas de futuro mostraram-se significativamente influentes para as dimens?es da adultez emergente.Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-24T11:08:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf: 284905 bytes, checksum: 4ce33e946a30e2a781de648fdbcf544b (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-24T11:08:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf: 284905 bytes, checksum: 4ce33e946a30e2a781de648fdbcf544b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-02application/pdfhttp://tede2.pucrs.br:80/tede2/retrieve/170111/TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.jpgporPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do SulPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em PsicologiaPUCRSBrasilEscola de Ci?ncias da Sa?deAcultura??oAdolesc?nciaAdultez EmergenteFutebolHabilidades SociaisCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAO processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebolinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis2588426296948062698600600600-65575314712181101923411867255817377423info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RSinstname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)instacron:PUC_RSTHUMBNAILTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.jpgTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.jpgimage/jpeg3656http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7701/4/TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.jpgecde6ec66480102f1508acba82e11a5eMD54TEXTTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.txtTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.txttext/plain24640http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7701/3/TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf.txt162c29e211961834556c5bbbe658abfeMD53ORIGINALTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdfTES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdfapplication/pdf284905http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7701/2/TES_FERNANDA_TORRES_FAGGIANI_PARCIAL.pdf4ce33e946a30e2a781de648fdbcf544bMD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-8610http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7701/1/license.txt5a9d6006225b368ef605ba16b4f6d1beMD51tede/77012017-12-15 10:16:20.869oai:tede2.pucrs.br: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttp://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/PRIhttps://tede2.pucrs.br/oai/requestbiblioteca.central@pucrs.br||opendoar:2017-12-15T12:16:20Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
title O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
spellingShingle O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres
Adultez Emergente
Habilidades Sociais
title_short O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
title_full O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
title_fullStr O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
title_full_unstemmed O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
title_sort O processo de acultura??o e a adultez emergente em atletas de futebol
author Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres
author_facet Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Lisboa, Carolina Saraiva de Macedo
dc.contributor.advisor1ID.fl_str_mv 907.990.380-91
dc.contributor.advisor1Lattes.fl_str_mv http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4703269P7
dc.contributor.authorID.fl_str_mv 815.595.340-87
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4775564P3
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Faggiani, Fernanda T?rres
contributor_str_mv Lisboa, Carolina Saraiva de Macedo
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Acultura??o
Adultez Emergente
Habilidades Sociais
topic Acultura??o
Adultez Emergente
Habilidades Sociais
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIA
description Introduction: Soccer is a global sport and thereby the mobility of athletes to integrate new sports teams has increased significantly. From an early age, young athletes? resident in brazilian soccer clubs from different regions of the country and abroad face the process of acculturation, i.e. the transition/insertion into a diverse culture to your depending on the career. The process by which the individual cultural passes on moving to a new place culturally different from his own, has been shown to be of great impact to grip the new reality, and it directly influences the athlete?s performance and life cycle. However, this phenomenon has been little explored and taken into account when assessing the athletes? success and failure on the soccer context, especially in the field of Sport Psychology. Besides coming across very different cultural issues such as food, temperature and values, the athletes face intense routines of workouts interspersed with school activities, being at risk to present emotional distress by being in a new context and have little time to adapt because of high demand related to sports performance in soccer in a short period of time. Goal: To understand the process of acculturation in athletes from the soccer academy, identifying associated aspects and the transition to adulthood and emerging adulthood. Method: Survey of mixed and longitudinal design using a semi-structured interview, sociodemographic questionnaire and six instruments: Social Skills Inventory, Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood, Scale of Future Expectations for Adolescents, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Scale, Stress Symptoms Inventory. Eight athletes from a soccer acadamey club in the south of Brazil participated in the qualitative research. They were residents at the Club for at least 6 months and aged between 16 and 20 years. Twenty-nine athletes participated in the quantitative stage, considering that all these 29 acculturated athletes filled all the instruments on the admission at the Club but only 21 athletes completed the two subsequent applications, three and six months after their arrival at the Club. Content analysis as well as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis checking frequencies and correlations between variables were used for the data analysis. Results: Although the results do not show significant changes in variables over the three times collected during the six months of the process of acculturation, 63% of the acculturated athletes demonstrated social skills deficits after six months of this process, being the coping factors and self-exhibition the most significant ones. The athletes presented minimal symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress in the process of acculturation. However, significant correlations were found between social skills and selfcontrol of anxiety and depression. According to content analysis (Bardin, 2011), athletes describe points as the arrival at the Club without knowing anyone, the customs of the southern region, temperature, type of training, as well as the distance from home and the family as risk factors for adaptation and that interfere in their sports performance. They also make reference to an increase in the use of new information and communication technologies (ICTS) as WhatsApp for interaction with friends and family. Regarding the acculturated athletes emerging adulthood, they seem to be experiencing this phase, mainly features like ambivalence, exploration of identity and experimenting with possibilities, as being optimistic about what the future holds. In addition, the results show that athletes have prospects that they consider important for their future, especially connected to work, the constitution of a family and their health. Both age and future prospects are the only ones that appear to be significant predictors of emerging adulthood. Discussion: The decrease of social skills and athletes? speech strengthen studies that postulate the fact that the adaptation to a new culture can be a complex process and it can involve risk. Understanding the acculturation process and the challenges faced by athletes upon arrival at a new Club is important for prevention concerning social alienation, the deficits in social skills and sports performance failures. The forming of new links and support networks proved necessary and one of the main strategies used by athletes to face the adversity of the process of acculturation and the sport. Regarding emerging adulthood, the results seem to identify that athletes take on adult responsibilities as supporting a family, as well as freedom of choice and the possibility to experience new situations within a professional field and a romantic one. This occurs before assuming the role of adult accomplishing the dream of building his own family and obtaining professional stability, as they appear in the future prospects of these athletes. These responsibilities and future prospects seems to positively affect the mental health of athletes who do not have high levels of anxiety and depression. In addition, the future prospects were significantly influential to the emerging adulthood.
publishDate 2017
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2017-10-24T11:08:27Z
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2017-10-02
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
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dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
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dc.relation.program.fl_str_mv 2588426296948062698
dc.relation.confidence.fl_str_mv 600
dc.relation.department.fl_str_mv -6557531471218110192
dc.relation.cnpq.fl_str_mv 3411867255817377423
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv PUCRS
dc.publisher.country.fl_str_mv Brasil
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Escola de Ci?ncias da Sa?de
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS
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repository.mail.fl_str_mv biblioteca.central@pucrs.br||
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