O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2018
Autor(a) principal: Timm, Jordana Wruck lattes
Orientador(a): Stob?us, Claus Dieter lattes
Banca de defesa: Não Informado pela instituição
Tipo de documento: Tese
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o
Departamento: Escola de Humanidades
País: Brasil
Palavras-chave em Português:
Área do conhecimento CNPq:
Link de acesso: http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7960
Resumo: The teaching work, by many, is no longer seen or lived as in previous decades. Being a teacher was a matter of status - especially that of university teachers - as a noble profession worthy of respect. Currently, teaching has not lost its relevance ?without doubt?, however, is no longer as recognized and valued as before and as it deserved to be. The intensification, precariousness and proletarianization of the teaching profession has been the subject of constant debate in recent years. Productivity, competition, bullying, work overload, ranking, steady publication, titling, have often been cited as stressors for those who work in higher education today. This may reflect negatively both in personal life (physical and emotional exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, anger peaks and/or sadness, stress), as well as in professional life (Burnout Syndrome, mental disorders, among others). The generated discussion is from how this can influence the good and/or malaise of these professionals in different periods of the professional life cycle. With this background, the following research problem was sought: From the occupational (auto)biographical narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation, how and what they report on their trajectories and careers in the area of Education, considering the context, the age group and the professional life cycle in which they are inserted? Therefore, this study aims understand the unique narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation throughout the professional life cycle, considering personal and occupational aspects. The objectives are also to understand the individual perception about the work process during the professional life cycle; to reflect on the impacts of personal factors on the job and vice versa, considering that personal and professional life are inseparable; to analyze the factors related to the good and the malaise in the teaching career, from the different periods of the career and the life of teachers who teach in stricto sensu; investigate the meaning of the teaching work, the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the work, the factors of permanence and tendency to the abandonment of the teaching profession in Higher Education and, especially, in the stricto sensu Postgraduate course; and to contrast singular histories of life and profession, in order to perceive characteristics that are personal and characteristics common to the age group or the professional life cycle. The method has a qualitative design and investigates Higher Education teachers who act in stricto sensu in education and who are in one of the professional life cycles. The (auto)biographical Narrative interview was adopted as a research tool and applied with four female teachers. Biograms were constructed from the data collected. Due to the use of in-depth interviews, in addition to the biograms, the collected data were analyzed based on narrative analysis, based on discourse analysis. Theoretical triangulation was performed for discussion and data analysis based on theories of the professional life cycle, professional development model and adult life. The main conclusions are the similarities in the narratives, even with the singularities of each teacher, both in terms of the characteristics of the lived cycle and the factor related to chronological age. The entry into the career happened through different paths between the interviewed ones, although the option for the teaching career happened around the same chronological age. It is suggested for future researches the increase in the number and gender of the interviewees, as well as the application of a study with quantiqualitative character. Although the quantitative application of this study is considered pertinent, it is suggested that it does not lose the qualitative bias that gives voice to teachers and raises their singularities.
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spelling Stob?us, Claus Dieterhttp://lattes.cnpq.br/7139652085303998http://lattes.cnpq.br/2321130536522951Timm, Jordana Wruck2018-04-23T18:23:53Z2018-02-27http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7960The teaching work, by many, is no longer seen or lived as in previous decades. Being a teacher was a matter of status - especially that of university teachers - as a noble profession worthy of respect. Currently, teaching has not lost its relevance ?without doubt?, however, is no longer as recognized and valued as before and as it deserved to be. The intensification, precariousness and proletarianization of the teaching profession has been the subject of constant debate in recent years. Productivity, competition, bullying, work overload, ranking, steady publication, titling, have often been cited as stressors for those who work in higher education today. This may reflect negatively both in personal life (physical and emotional exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, anger peaks and/or sadness, stress), as well as in professional life (Burnout Syndrome, mental disorders, among others). The generated discussion is from how this can influence the good and/or malaise of these professionals in different periods of the professional life cycle. With this background, the following research problem was sought: From the occupational (auto)biographical narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation, how and what they report on their trajectories and careers in the area of Education, considering the context, the age group and the professional life cycle in which they are inserted? Therefore, this study aims understand the unique narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation throughout the professional life cycle, considering personal and occupational aspects. The objectives are also to understand the individual perception about the work process during the professional life cycle; to reflect on the impacts of personal factors on the job and vice versa, considering that personal and professional life are inseparable; to analyze the factors related to the good and the malaise in the teaching career, from the different periods of the career and the life of teachers who teach in stricto sensu; investigate the meaning of the teaching work, the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the work, the factors of permanence and tendency to the abandonment of the teaching profession in Higher Education and, especially, in the stricto sensu Postgraduate course; and to contrast singular histories of life and profession, in order to perceive characteristics that are personal and characteristics common to the age group or the professional life cycle. The method has a qualitative design and investigates Higher Education teachers who act in stricto sensu in education and who are in one of the professional life cycles. The (auto)biographical Narrative interview was adopted as a research tool and applied with four female teachers. Biograms were constructed from the data collected. Due to the use of in-depth interviews, in addition to the biograms, the collected data were analyzed based on narrative analysis, based on discourse analysis. Theoretical triangulation was performed for discussion and data analysis based on theories of the professional life cycle, professional development model and adult life. The main conclusions are the similarities in the narratives, even with the singularities of each teacher, both in terms of the characteristics of the lived cycle and the factor related to chronological age. The entry into the career happened through different paths between the interviewed ones, although the option for the teaching career happened around the same chronological age. It is suggested for future researches the increase in the number and gender of the interviewees, as well as the application of a study with quantiqualitative character. Although the quantitative application of this study is considered pertinent, it is suggested that it does not lose the qualitative bias that gives voice to teachers and raises their singularities.El trabajo docente, por muchos, ya no es visto ni vivido como en d?cadas pasadas. Ser profesor era una cuesti?n de status ?en especial la de los docentes universitarios?, considerada una profesi?n noble y digna de respeto. Actualmente, la docencia no perdi? su relevancia ?sin dudas?, pero, ya no es tan reconocida y valorada como antes y como merec?a ser. La intensificaci?n, la precarizaci?n y la proletarizaci?n de la profesi?n docente ha sido objeto de debate en los ?ltimos a?os. La productividad, la competencia, el acoso moral, la sobrecarga de trabajo, el ranqueamiento, la publicaci?n constante, la titulaci?n, han sido a menudo citados como estresores para quienes act?an en la docencia en la Educaci?n Superior actualmente. Esto puede reflejar negativamente tanto en la vida personal (agotamiento f?sico y emocional, irritabilidad, ansiedad, picos de rabia y/o tristeza, estr?s), como en la vida profesional (S?ndrome de Burnout, trastornos mentales, entre otros). La discusi?n generada es a partir de c?mo esto puede influenciar para el bien y/o malestar de estos profesionales en distintos per?odos del ciclo de vida profesional. Con ese tel?n de fondo, se busc? responder el siguiente Problema de Investigaci?n: ?A partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas ocupacional de docentes que ense?an en el Postgrado stricto sensu, como y lo que relatan los mismos acerca de sus trayectorias y carreras en sobre la Educaci?n, considerando el contexto, el grupo de edad y el ciclo de vida profesional en que est?n insertados? Para tanto, este estudio tiene el objetivo de comprender las narrativas singulares de docentes que ense?an en el Postgrado stricto sensu en el transcurso del ciclo de vida profesional, considerando aspectos personales y ocupacionales. Son objetivos tambi?n entender la percepci?n individual sobre el proceso de trabajo en el curso del ciclo de vida profesional; reflexionar sobre los impactos de los factores de car?cter personal en el trabajo y viceversa, considerando, que la vida personal y profesional son indisociables; analizar los factores relacionados al bien y al malestar en la carrera docente, a partir de los distintos per?odos de la carrera y de la vida de profesores que ense?an en el stricto sensu; y en el caso de la Educaci?n Superior, y sobre todo en el Postgrado stricto sensu, los factores de satisfacci?n e insatisfacci?n en el trabajo, los factores de permanencia y tendencia al abandono de la profesi?n docente en la Educaci?n Superior y, sobre todo, en el Postgrado stricto sensu; y, contrastar historias singulares de vida y de profesi?n, con el fin de percibir caracter?sticas que son de orden personal y caracter?sticas comunes al grupo de edad o al ciclo de vida profesional. El m?todo tiene delineamiento de naturaleza cualitativa y tiene el prop?sito de investigar profesores de la Educaci?n Superior que act?an en el stricto sensu en Educaci?n y que se sit?an en uno de los ciclos de vida profesional. La entrevista narrativa (auto)biogr?fica fue adoptada como instrumento de investigaci?n y aplicada con cuatro profesoras. A partir de los datos recolectados se construyeron biogramas. Ante el uso de entrevistas en profundidad, adem?s de los biogramas, los datos recolectados fueron analizados con base en el an?lisis de narrativas, fundamentada en el an?lisis de discurso. Se realiz? triangulaci?n te?rica para discusi?n y an?lisis de datos basados en las teor?as del ciclo de vida profesional, modelo de desarrollo profesional y vida adulta. Como principales conclusiones, se destacan las similitudes en las narrativas, incluso con las singularidades de cada docente, tanto en lo que se refiere a caracter?sticas del ciclo vivenciado, como del factor relacionado a la edad cronol?gica. La entrada en la carrera se produjo por distintas v?as entre las entrevistadas, a pesar de que la opci?n por la carrera docente se produjo en torno a la misma edad cronol?gica. Se sugiere para investigaciones futuras la ampliaci?n en el n?mero y g?nero de los entrevistados, as? como, la aplicaci?n de estudios con car?cter cuanti-cualitativo. Aunque se considera pertinente la aplicaci?n cuantitativa de este estudio, se sugiere que el mismo no pierda el sesgo cualitativo que da voz a los docentes y suscita sus singularidades.O trabalho docente, por muitos, n?o ? mais visto e nem vivido como em d?cadas passadas. Ser professor era uma quest?o de status -em especial a dos docentes universit?rios-, considerada uma profiss?o nobre e digna de respeito. Atualmente, a doc?ncia n?o perdeu sua relev?ncia ?sem d?vida?, no entanto n?o ? mais t?o reconhecida e valorizada como antes e como merecia ser. A intensifica??o, a precariza??o e a proletariza??o da profiss?o docente t?m sido, nos ?ltimos anos, alvo de constante debate. Produtividade, competi??o, ass?dio moral, sobrecarga de trabalho, ranqueamento, publica??o constante e titula??o, t?m sido, frequentemente, citados como estressores para quem atua, atualmente, na doc?ncia na Educa??o Superior. Isso pode refletir negativamente tanto na vida pessoal (exaust?o f?sica e emocional, irritabilidade, ansiedade, picos de raiva e/ou tristeza, estresse), como na vida profissional (S?ndrome de Burnout, transtornos mentais, entre outros). A discuss?o gerada se deu a partir de como isso pode influenciar para o bem e/ou mal-estar desses profissionais em distintos per?odos do ciclo de vida profissional. Com esse pano de fundo, se buscou responder ao seguinte Problema de Pesquisa: A partir das narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas de vida ocupacional de docentes que lecionam na P?s-Gradua??o stricto sensu, como e o que relatam os mesmos a respeito de suas trajet?rias e carreiras na ?rea da Educa??o, considerando o contexto, a faixa et?ria e o ciclo de vida profissional em que est?o inseridos? Para tanto, este estudo teve o objetivo de compreender as narrativas singulares de docentes que lecionam na P?s-Gradua??o stricto sensu no decorrer do ciclo de vida profissional, considerando aspectos pessoais e ocupacionais. Foram objetivos tamb?m entender a percep??o individual sobre o processo de trabalho no decorrer do ciclo de vida profissional; refletir sobre os impactos dos fatores de car?ter pessoal no trabalho e vice-versa, considerando, que vida pessoal e profissional s?o indissoci?veis; analisar os fatores relacionados ao bem e ao mal-estar na carreira docente, a partir dos distintos per?odos da carreira e da vida de professores que lecionam no stricto sensu; investigar o significado do trabalho docente, os fatores de satisfa??o e insatisfa??o no trabalho, os fatores de perman?ncia e tend?ncia ao abandono da profiss?o docente na Educa??o Superior e, sobretudo, na P?s-Gradua??o stricto sensu; e, contrastar hist?rias singulares de vida e de profiss?o, com o intuito de perceber caracter?sticas que s?o de ordem pessoal e caracter?sticas comuns ? faixa et?ria ou ao ciclo de vida profissional. O m?todo teve delineamento de cunho qualitativo, com o intuito de investigar professores da Educa??o Superior que atuam no stricto sensu em Educa??o e que se situam em um dos ciclos de vida profissional. A entrevista de narrativa (auto)biogr?fica foi adotada como instrumento de pesquisa e aplicada com quatro professoras. A partir dos dados coletados foram constru?dos biogramas. Diante do uso de entrevistas em profundidade, al?m dos biogramas, os dados coletados foram analisados com base na an?lise de narrativas, fundamentada na an?lise de discurso. Foi realizada triangula??o te?rica para discuss?o e an?lise dos dados com base nas teorias do ciclo de vida profissional, modelo de desenvolvimento profissional e vida adulta. Como principais conclus?es, se destacam as similaridades nas narrativas, mesmo com as singularidades de cada docente, tanto no que se refere a caracter?sticas do ciclo vivenciado, como do fator relacionado ? idade cronol?gica. A entrada na carreira aconteceu por vias distintas entre as entrevistadas, apesar de a op??o pela carreira docente ter acontecido em torno da mesma idade cronol?gica. Se sugere para pesquisas futuras a amplia??o no n?mero e g?nero de/dos entrevistados, bem como a aplica??o de estudos com car?ter quanti-qualitativo. Embora se considere pertinente a aplica??o quantitativa deste estudo, se sugere que o mesmo n?o perca o vi?s qualitativo que d? voz aos docentes e suscita suas singularidades.Submitted by PPG Educa??o (educacao-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-04-09T19:17:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf: 2571981 bytes, checksum: 4ad6ad7c05b2c2cce4c6265e8208656c (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-04-23T18:18:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf: 2571981 bytes, checksum: 4ad6ad7c05b2c2cce4c6265e8208656c (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-23T18:23:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf: 2571981 bytes, checksum: 4ad6ad7c05b2c2cce4c6265e8208656c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPESapplication/pdfhttp://tede2.pucrs.br:80/tede2/retrieve/171624/JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.jpgporPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do SulPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??oPUCRSBrasilEscola de HumanidadesCiclo de Vida ProfissionalTrabalho DocentePercep??o do Bem/Mal-EstarSentido e Significado do Trabalho DocenteNarrativas (Auto)Biogr?ficasCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOO ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisTrabalho n?o apresenta restri??o para publica??o-8451285793228477937500500500600-6557531471218110192-2403458189103523672075167498588264571info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RSinstname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)instacron:PUC_RSTHUMBNAILJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.jpgJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.jpgimage/jpeg5499http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7960/4/JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.jpg4694822f0bfe46ee6f2253289ed8d11bMD54TEXTJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.txtJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.txttext/plain498274http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7960/3/JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf.txt025aaca7afd84b231f8eca10ff3eb36cMD53ORIGINALJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdfJORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdfapplication/pdf2571981http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7960/2/JORDANA_WRUCK_TIMM_.pdf4ad6ad7c05b2c2cce4c6265e8208656cMD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-8610http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/bitstream/tede/7960/1/license.txt5a9d6006225b368ef605ba16b4f6d1beMD51tede/79602018-04-23 20:01:06.345oai:tede2.pucrs.br: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttp://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/PRIhttps://tede2.pucrs.br/oai/requestbiblioteca.central@pucrs.br||opendoar:2018-04-23T23:01:06Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
title O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
spellingShingle O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
Timm, Jordana Wruck
Ciclo de Vida Profissional
Trabalho Docente
Percep??o do Bem/Mal-Estar
Sentido e Significado do Trabalho Docente
Narrativas (Auto)Biogr?ficas
title_short O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
title_full O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
title_fullStr O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
title_full_unstemmed O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
title_sort O ciclo de vida profissional na doc?ncia no Stricto Sensu em educa??o : o sentido, o significado e a percep??o do bem/mal-estar a partir de narrativas (auto)biogr?ficas
author Timm, Jordana Wruck
author_facet Timm, Jordana Wruck
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Stob?us, Claus Dieter
dc.contributor.advisor1Lattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/7139652085303998
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/2321130536522951
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Timm, Jordana Wruck
contributor_str_mv Stob?us, Claus Dieter
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Ciclo de Vida Profissional
Trabalho Docente
Percep??o do Bem/Mal-Estar
Sentido e Significado do Trabalho Docente
Narrativas (Auto)Biogr?ficas
topic Ciclo de Vida Profissional
Trabalho Docente
Percep??o do Bem/Mal-Estar
Sentido e Significado do Trabalho Docente
Narrativas (Auto)Biogr?ficas
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO
description The teaching work, by many, is no longer seen or lived as in previous decades. Being a teacher was a matter of status - especially that of university teachers - as a noble profession worthy of respect. Currently, teaching has not lost its relevance ?without doubt?, however, is no longer as recognized and valued as before and as it deserved to be. The intensification, precariousness and proletarianization of the teaching profession has been the subject of constant debate in recent years. Productivity, competition, bullying, work overload, ranking, steady publication, titling, have often been cited as stressors for those who work in higher education today. This may reflect negatively both in personal life (physical and emotional exhaustion, irritability, anxiety, anger peaks and/or sadness, stress), as well as in professional life (Burnout Syndrome, mental disorders, among others). The generated discussion is from how this can influence the good and/or malaise of these professionals in different periods of the professional life cycle. With this background, the following research problem was sought: From the occupational (auto)biographical narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation, how and what they report on their trajectories and careers in the area of Education, considering the context, the age group and the professional life cycle in which they are inserted? Therefore, this study aims understand the unique narratives of teachers who teach in the stricto sensu Post-Graduation throughout the professional life cycle, considering personal and occupational aspects. The objectives are also to understand the individual perception about the work process during the professional life cycle; to reflect on the impacts of personal factors on the job and vice versa, considering that personal and professional life are inseparable; to analyze the factors related to the good and the malaise in the teaching career, from the different periods of the career and the life of teachers who teach in stricto sensu; investigate the meaning of the teaching work, the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the work, the factors of permanence and tendency to the abandonment of the teaching profession in Higher Education and, especially, in the stricto sensu Postgraduate course; and to contrast singular histories of life and profession, in order to perceive characteristics that are personal and characteristics common to the age group or the professional life cycle. The method has a qualitative design and investigates Higher Education teachers who act in stricto sensu in education and who are in one of the professional life cycles. The (auto)biographical Narrative interview was adopted as a research tool and applied with four female teachers. Biograms were constructed from the data collected. Due to the use of in-depth interviews, in addition to the biograms, the collected data were analyzed based on narrative analysis, based on discourse analysis. Theoretical triangulation was performed for discussion and data analysis based on theories of the professional life cycle, professional development model and adult life. The main conclusions are the similarities in the narratives, even with the singularities of each teacher, both in terms of the characteristics of the lived cycle and the factor related to chronological age. The entry into the career happened through different paths between the interviewed ones, although the option for the teaching career happened around the same chronological age. It is suggested for future researches the increase in the number and gender of the interviewees, as well as the application of a study with quantiqualitative character. Although the quantitative application of this study is considered pertinent, it is suggested that it does not lose the qualitative bias that gives voice to teachers and raises their singularities.
publishDate 2018
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2018-04-23T18:23:53Z
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2018-02-27
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
format doctoralThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7960
url http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7960
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
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