Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2007
Autor(a) principal: Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos
Orientador(a): Não Informado pela instituição
Banca de defesa: Não Informado pela instituição
Tipo de documento: Tese
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Não Informado pela instituição
Departamento: Não Informado pela instituição
País: Não Informado pela instituição
Palavras-chave em Português:
Link de acesso:
Resumo: Benthic foraminifera distribution has been a well reported in several coastal and estuarine regions in the world. Although each estuary shows individual characteristics that are the local result of tides, waves, winds, basin geomorphology, shelf morphology and other conditions that directly reflect in the foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages composition. So, each estuary may have a particular assemblage that must be studied to make it possible to establish environmental models that can be used in paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and studies of environmental characterization and monitoring. Based on this principle, the aim of this study was the classification of seven estuaries from the Brazilian Coast, from North Cape to Santa Catarina Island (Araguari AP, Caeté PA, Potengi RN, Mataripe BA; Paraíba do Sul RJ, Suruí RJ e Itacorubí SC), using foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages, associated to physical-chemical, sedimentological and microbiological parameters. Another goal pursued in this study, was the comparison of latitudinal distribution of species and assemblages, and their relationship with the characteristics used in the classification of sectors of the Brazilian tropical coast. Eighty-three foraminifera and twenty-three thecamoebians taxons were identified throughout the estuaries. The Pontengi (RN) Estuary showed the largest number of foraminifera taxons (43 species), and the Suruí presented the most thecamoebians (18 species). The most common foraminifera species throughout the estuaries were Arenoparrella mexicana and Haplophragmoides wilberti. On the other hand, Difflugia spp., Pontigulassia compressa, Cucurbitella corana and Cyclopyxis spp. were the most abundant thecamoebian species. It was not possible to identify a latitudinal restriction (1º N to 28º S) of species along the estuaries from the Brazilian coast. The absence of a given species in the estuary was related to local environmental conditions. In all of the studied estuaries the microbial activity showed a great influence on the organisms distribution. In the Northeastern estuaries, dominated by calcareous foraminifera, the diversity and richness indices decreased progressively related to bacterial biomass. In the Oriental and Southeastern Coasts, dominated by agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians, these indices increased gradually. This could be the result of different assemblages composition. The calcareous foraminifera showed negative correlation with sulphact-reduction bacteria. While the agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians had a positive correlation with this type of bacterial activity. The assemblages composition reflected the characteristics of each coastal segment. In the Northern coast two distinct macrotidal systems could be identified. The Araguari River, located in the macrocompartiment from Amapá coast, which is characterized as an erosive coast that receives a large load of suspended sediments from the Amazon River, was classified as a stratified estuary. It shows heterogeneity in the distribution of physical-chemical parameters, turbidity gradient and high diversity of thecamoebian species in the upper estuary, which decreases progressively towards the lower estuary, when they are replaced by agglutinant foraminifera. The Caeté River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Reentrâncias Pará-Maranhão, was classified as Non Stratified Macrotidal Estuary because it showed a homogeneous distribution of physical-chemical parameters, and foraminifera and thecamoebian assemblages. In the Northeast Coast, the two studied systems presented similarities in the species distribution and in the physical-chemical parameters. They were both classified as Stratified Mesotidal estuaries because of their high species diversity of calcareous foraminifera, that are replaced gradually by agglutinant foraminifera towards the upper estuary. The Paraíba do Sul River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Campos Basin, was classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a high thecamoebians species diversity throughout the system. The species of agglutinant foraminifera were found only next the river mouth. The presence of a large continental shelf with tons of suspended sediments inhibits the presence of calcareous species. In the Southeast coast it was possible to identify two different systems: the Suruí River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Sandy Cordões , dind t show an estuarine gradient, being classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary; the Itacorubí Estuary is located in the Macrocompartiment of Coastal Plains from Santa Catarina, and was classified as Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a species succession from lower estuary to upper estuary. The species zonation was a result of a narrow continental shelf that allows the arrival of truly marine species plus a small drainage basin. The methodology applied was efficient in the compartimentation and classification of estuarine systems from the Brazilian coast, and may be used as a foundation for environmental and paleoenvironmental studies.
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spelling Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - BrasilForaminíferoIndicador ambientalDiagnóstico ambientalEstuário tropicalMetais pesadosManguezaisCompartimentação do litoralMonitoramento ambientalTecamebasCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::OCEANOGRAFIA::OCEANOGRAFIA GEOLOGICA::GEOFISICA MARINHABenthic foraminifera distribution has been a well reported in several coastal and estuarine regions in the world. Although each estuary shows individual characteristics that are the local result of tides, waves, winds, basin geomorphology, shelf morphology and other conditions that directly reflect in the foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages composition. So, each estuary may have a particular assemblage that must be studied to make it possible to establish environmental models that can be used in paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and studies of environmental characterization and monitoring. Based on this principle, the aim of this study was the classification of seven estuaries from the Brazilian Coast, from North Cape to Santa Catarina Island (Araguari AP, Caeté PA, Potengi RN, Mataripe BA; Paraíba do Sul RJ, Suruí RJ e Itacorubí SC), using foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages, associated to physical-chemical, sedimentological and microbiological parameters. Another goal pursued in this study, was the comparison of latitudinal distribution of species and assemblages, and their relationship with the characteristics used in the classification of sectors of the Brazilian tropical coast. Eighty-three foraminifera and twenty-three thecamoebians taxons were identified throughout the estuaries. The Pontengi (RN) Estuary showed the largest number of foraminifera taxons (43 species), and the Suruí presented the most thecamoebians (18 species). The most common foraminifera species throughout the estuaries were Arenoparrella mexicana and Haplophragmoides wilberti. On the other hand, Difflugia spp., Pontigulassia compressa, Cucurbitella corana and Cyclopyxis spp. were the most abundant thecamoebian species. It was not possible to identify a latitudinal restriction (1º N to 28º S) of species along the estuaries from the Brazilian coast. The absence of a given species in the estuary was related to local environmental conditions. In all of the studied estuaries the microbial activity showed a great influence on the organisms distribution. In the Northeastern estuaries, dominated by calcareous foraminifera, the diversity and richness indices decreased progressively related to bacterial biomass. In the Oriental and Southeastern Coasts, dominated by agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians, these indices increased gradually. This could be the result of different assemblages composition. The calcareous foraminifera showed negative correlation with sulphact-reduction bacteria. While the agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians had a positive correlation with this type of bacterial activity. The assemblages composition reflected the characteristics of each coastal segment. In the Northern coast two distinct macrotidal systems could be identified. The Araguari River, located in the macrocompartiment from Amapá coast, which is characterized as an erosive coast that receives a large load of suspended sediments from the Amazon River, was classified as a stratified estuary. It shows heterogeneity in the distribution of physical-chemical parameters, turbidity gradient and high diversity of thecamoebian species in the upper estuary, which decreases progressively towards the lower estuary, when they are replaced by agglutinant foraminifera. The Caeté River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Reentrâncias Pará-Maranhão, was classified as Non Stratified Macrotidal Estuary because it showed a homogeneous distribution of physical-chemical parameters, and foraminifera and thecamoebian assemblages. In the Northeast Coast, the two studied systems presented similarities in the species distribution and in the physical-chemical parameters. They were both classified as Stratified Mesotidal estuaries because of their high species diversity of calcareous foraminifera, that are replaced gradually by agglutinant foraminifera towards the upper estuary. The Paraíba do Sul River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Campos Basin, was classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a high thecamoebians species diversity throughout the system. The species of agglutinant foraminifera were found only next the river mouth. The presence of a large continental shelf with tons of suspended sediments inhibits the presence of calcareous species. In the Southeast coast it was possible to identify two different systems: the Suruí River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Sandy Cordões , dind t show an estuarine gradient, being classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary; the Itacorubí Estuary is located in the Macrocompartiment of Coastal Plains from Santa Catarina, and was classified as Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a species succession from lower estuary to upper estuary. The species zonation was a result of a narrow continental shelf that allows the arrival of truly marine species plus a small drainage basin. The methodology applied was efficient in the compartimentation and classification of estuarine systems from the Brazilian coast, and may be used as a foundation for environmental and paleoenvironmental studies.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorA distribuição de foraminíferos bentônicos tem sido bem documentada em diversas regiões costeiras e estuarinas do mundo. Contudo, cada estuário apresenta características particulares que são o resultado das condições locais de maré, ondas, ventos, geomorfologia da bacia, morfologia da plataforma adjacente e etc, que vão refletir diretamente na composição das assembléias de foraminíferos e tecamebas. Desta maneira, cada estuário pode possuir uma assembléia típica que deve ser estudada para que seja possível estabelecer modelos ambientais que possam ser usados em reconstituições paleoambientais e em estudos de caracterização e monitoramento ambiental. Com base neste principio, este estudo teve como objetivo a classificação de sete estuários do litoral do Brasil distribuídos deste o Cabo Norte até a ilha de Santa Catarina (Araguari AP, Caeté PA, Potengi RN, Mataripe BA; Paraíba do Sul RJ, Suruí RJ e Itacorubí SC), usando como ferramenta assembléias de foraminíferos e tecamebas, associados aos parâmetros físico-químicos, sedimentológicos e microbiológicos. Também foi alvo deste estudo a comparação da distribuição latitudinal das espécies e assembléias e a sua relação com as características que classificam setores no litoral tropical do Brasil. Foram identificados ao longo dos estuários oitenta e três táxons de foraminíferos e vinte dois táxons de tecamebas. O estuário que apresentou o maior número de táxons de foraminíferos foi o do rio Potengi RN (43 espécies), e de tecamebas foi o do rio Suruí (18 espécies). As espécies de foraminíferos mais constantes ao longo dos estuários foram Arenoparrella mexicana e Haplophragmoides wilberti. Já Difflugia spp., Pontigulassia compressa, Cucurbitella corana e Cyclopyxis spp. foram as espécies de tecamebas mais abundantes. Não foi possível identificar restrição latitudinal (1º N a 28º S) das espécies ao longo dos estuários da costa brasileira. A ausência de uma determinada espécie num estuário esteve relacionada a condições ambientais locais. Em todos os estuários estudados a atividade microbiológica mostrou grande influência na distribuição dos organismos. Nos estuários do litoral do nordeste, dominados por espécies de foraminíferos calcários, os índices de diversidade e de riqueza reduziram progressivamente em relação à biomassa bacteriana. No litoral oriental e sudeste, dominados por espécies de foraminíferos aglutinantes e por tecamebas, estes índices aumentaram progressivamente. Isto pode ser o resultado de diferentes composições de assembléias. As espécies de foraminíferos calcários mostraram correlação negativa com bactérias sulfato-redutoras, enquanto as espécies de foraminíferos aglutinantes e tecamebas tiveram correlação positiva com este tipo de atividade metabólica. A composição das assembléias mostrou-se como um reflexo das características apresentadas por cada segmento da costa. No Litoral Norte puderam ser identificados dois sistemas de macromaré diferenciados. O rio Araguari, localizado no Macrocompartimento do Litoral do Amapá, que é caracterizado como um litoral erosivo com uma grande carga de sedimentos em suspensão do rio Amazonas, foi classificado como Estuário de Macromaré Estratificado. Ele apresenta heterogeneidade na distribuição dos parâmetros físico-químicos, gradiente de turbidez e grande diversidade de espécies de tecamebas no estuário superior, que se reduz gradativamente em direção ao estuário inferior, sendo substituídas por espécies de foraminíferos aglutinantes. O estuário do rio Caeté localizado no Macrocompartimento das Reentrâncias Pará-Maranhão foi classificado como Estuário de Macromaré não Estratificado por apresentar homogeneidade na distribuição dos parâmetros físico-químicos e nas assembléias de foraminíferos e tecamebas. No Litoral Nordeste os dois sistemas estudados apresentaram semelhanças tanto na distribuição das espécies quanto nos parâmetros físico-químicos. Ambos foram classificados como Estuário de Mesomaré Estratificado por apresentaram uma grande diversidade de espécies de foraminíferos calcários, que são substituídos gradativamente por espécies de foraminíferos aglutinantes em direção ao estuário superior. O rio Paraíba do Sul, localizado no Macrocompartimento da Bacia de Campos, foi classificado como Estuário de Micromaré não Estratificado por apresentar uma grande diversidade de espécies de tecamebas distribuídas ao longo de todo o estuário. As espécies de foraminíferos aglutinantes são encontradas somente próximas à foz. A presença de uma plataforma continental larga com muito material em suspensão desfavorece as espécies calcárias. No Litoral Sudeste foi possível identificar dois sistemas diferentes: o rio Suruí, localizado no Macrocompartimento dos Cordões Arenosos, não apresentou gradiente estuarino, sendo classificado como Estuário de Micromaré não Estratificado; O estuário do rio Itacorubí, localizado no Macrocompartimento das Planícies Litorâneas de Santa Catarina, foi classificado como Estuário de Micromaré Estratificado por apresentar sucessão de espécies do estuário inferior para o estuário superior. A zonação de espécies é propiciada pela presença de uma plataforma continental estreita que possibilita a proximidade da costa de espécies marinhas somados a uma bacia de drenagem pequena. A metodologia aplicada mostrou-se eficiente para a compartimentação e classificação dos sistemas estuarinos da costa brasileira e poderá servir de base para estudos ambientais e paleoambientais.Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia e Geofísica MarinhaGeologia e Geofísica MarinhaJr., Alberto Garcia de FigueiredoCPF:13352725004, Carla Van Der Haagen CustodioCPF:37533356222, Claudia GutterresCPF:37666633322, Mirian Araujo CarlosCPF:11122233300Rodrigues, Maria Antonieta da ConceiçãoCPF:37777755522, Eduardo Apostolos MachadoCPF:37884856822, Mauro Bevilaqua deCPF:37958855522Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos2021-03-10T20:42:58Z2008-05-082021-03-10T20:42:58Z2007-08-27info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisapplication/pdfório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF)instname:Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)ório InstitucionalPUBório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF) - Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
title Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
spellingShingle Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos
Indicador ambiental
Diagnóstico ambiental
Estuário tropical
Metais pesados
Compartimentação do litoral
Monitoramento ambiental
title_short Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
title_full Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
title_fullStr Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
title_full_unstemmed Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
title_sort Foraminíferos e tecamebas como indicadores ambientais em estuários tropicais - Brasil
author Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos
author_facet Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos
author_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Jr., Alberto Garcia de Figueiredo
Bonetti, Carla Van Der Haagen Custodio
Vilela, Claudia Gutterres
Crapez, Mirian Araujo Carlos
Rodrigues, Maria Antonieta da Conceição
Koutsoukos, Eduardo Apostolos Machado
Toledo, Mauro Bevilaqua de
CPF:37958855522 Laut, Lazaro Luiz Mattos
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Foraminífero
Indicador ambiental
Diagnóstico ambiental
Estuário tropical
Metais pesados
Compartimentação do litoral
Monitoramento ambiental
topic Foraminífero
Indicador ambiental
Diagnóstico ambiental
Estuário tropical
Metais pesados
Compartimentação do litoral
Monitoramento ambiental
description Benthic foraminifera distribution has been a well reported in several coastal and estuarine regions in the world. Although each estuary shows individual characteristics that are the local result of tides, waves, winds, basin geomorphology, shelf morphology and other conditions that directly reflect in the foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages composition. So, each estuary may have a particular assemblage that must be studied to make it possible to establish environmental models that can be used in paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and studies of environmental characterization and monitoring. Based on this principle, the aim of this study was the classification of seven estuaries from the Brazilian Coast, from North Cape to Santa Catarina Island (Araguari AP, Caeté PA, Potengi RN, Mataripe BA; Paraíba do Sul RJ, Suruí RJ e Itacorubí SC), using foraminifera and thecamoebians assemblages, associated to physical-chemical, sedimentological and microbiological parameters. Another goal pursued in this study, was the comparison of latitudinal distribution of species and assemblages, and their relationship with the characteristics used in the classification of sectors of the Brazilian tropical coast. Eighty-three foraminifera and twenty-three thecamoebians taxons were identified throughout the estuaries. The Pontengi (RN) Estuary showed the largest number of foraminifera taxons (43 species), and the Suruí presented the most thecamoebians (18 species). The most common foraminifera species throughout the estuaries were Arenoparrella mexicana and Haplophragmoides wilberti. On the other hand, Difflugia spp., Pontigulassia compressa, Cucurbitella corana and Cyclopyxis spp. were the most abundant thecamoebian species. It was not possible to identify a latitudinal restriction (1º N to 28º S) of species along the estuaries from the Brazilian coast. The absence of a given species in the estuary was related to local environmental conditions. In all of the studied estuaries the microbial activity showed a great influence on the organisms distribution. In the Northeastern estuaries, dominated by calcareous foraminifera, the diversity and richness indices decreased progressively related to bacterial biomass. In the Oriental and Southeastern Coasts, dominated by agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians, these indices increased gradually. This could be the result of different assemblages composition. The calcareous foraminifera showed negative correlation with sulphact-reduction bacteria. While the agglutinant foraminifera and thecamoebians had a positive correlation with this type of bacterial activity. The assemblages composition reflected the characteristics of each coastal segment. In the Northern coast two distinct macrotidal systems could be identified. The Araguari River, located in the macrocompartiment from Amapá coast, which is characterized as an erosive coast that receives a large load of suspended sediments from the Amazon River, was classified as a stratified estuary. It shows heterogeneity in the distribution of physical-chemical parameters, turbidity gradient and high diversity of thecamoebian species in the upper estuary, which decreases progressively towards the lower estuary, when they are replaced by agglutinant foraminifera. The Caeté River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Reentrâncias Pará-Maranhão, was classified as Non Stratified Macrotidal Estuary because it showed a homogeneous distribution of physical-chemical parameters, and foraminifera and thecamoebian assemblages. In the Northeast Coast, the two studied systems presented similarities in the species distribution and in the physical-chemical parameters. They were both classified as Stratified Mesotidal estuaries because of their high species diversity of calcareous foraminifera, that are replaced gradually by agglutinant foraminifera towards the upper estuary. The Paraíba do Sul River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Campos Basin, was classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a high thecamoebians species diversity throughout the system. The species of agglutinant foraminifera were found only next the river mouth. The presence of a large continental shelf with tons of suspended sediments inhibits the presence of calcareous species. In the Southeast coast it was possible to identify two different systems: the Suruí River, located in the Macrocompartiment of Sandy Cordões , dind t show an estuarine gradient, being classified as a Non-Stratified Microtidal Estuary; the Itacorubí Estuary is located in the Macrocompartiment of Coastal Plains from Santa Catarina, and was classified as Stratified Microtidal Estuary for presenting a species succession from lower estuary to upper estuary. The species zonation was a result of a narrow continental shelf that allows the arrival of truly marine species plus a small drainage basin. The methodology applied was efficient in the compartimentation and classification of estuarine systems from the Brazilian coast, and may be used as a foundation for environmental and paleoenvironmental studies.
publishDate 2007 2007-08-27
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Programa de Pós-graduação em Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
Geologia e Geofísica Marinha
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF)
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reponame_str Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF)
collection Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF) Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (RIUFF) - Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
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