Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2017
Autor(a) principal: Batista, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade
Orientador(a): Não Informado pela instituição
Banca de defesa: Não Informado pela instituição
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Não Informado pela instituição
Departamento: Não Informado pela instituição
País: Não Informado pela instituição
Palavras-chave em Português:
Link de acesso:
Resumo: The human sickness caused by Tuberculosis is secular. The disease has killed and decimated populations on all continents leaving deep marks because of their social impact. Hence the importance of exploring the social representations about tuberculosis in the eyes of the elderly and professionals who experience tuberculosis, it is of singular importance to know what they think about the disease. In this sense, this study aims to identify the social representations about tuberculosis constructed by the elderly and to analyze the social representations about tuberculosis by health professionals. It is an exploratory, with a qualitative approach, based on the Theory of Social Representations. Held at the Family Health Units of the Municipality of João Pessoa / Paraíba / Brazil, with 258 elderly and 248 health professionals. A semistructured interview was adopted, contemplating in the first part the Free Association of Words, with the term inductor: "Tuberculosis" and in the second part, socio-demographic data. Empirical data were organized into a database, then processed using the software IRaMuTeQ version 0.7 alpha 2. Two articles emerged. The first article, with 258 elderly people, in which the majority were female, 70.5% (182), had an age group of 73.3% (189) were aged 60 to 79 years, 44.7% (115) Were married, 40.3% (104) had over 8 years of schooling. Three classes emerged: Class 3: psychosocial descriptions of symptomatology, with 86 (36.23%) text segments, brings the representations constructed mainly by the group of elderly people with undefined schooling; And Class 1: descriptions of treatment and care for tuberculosis, was formed by 110 (47.62%) retained text segments, had greater contribution of the group of elderly people over 80 years; Class 2: negative dimensions of tuberculosis, built mainly by the group of elderly people with education under 1 year of basic education, with 35 text segments, equivalent to 15.15% of the retained follow-up. The second article shows that the majority of the subjects were female, 85.9% (213), aged 31 to 59 years, making up 70.6% (175) of the subjects, nurses 22.6% (56), with Service with 0 to 10 years 69.8% (173). Three classes emerged: Class 3, Descriptions of the symptomatology, formed by 25,13% (50) retained follow-ups, had greater contribution of professionals trained in dentistry, in their evocations the professionals correlate the words Tuberculosis, formed by 20.6% 41) Retained Text Followers, the professionals who contributed most to the classes were those in the training groups in physical therapy, physical education, social work and nutrition. According to class 2, descriptions on the treatment of tuberculosis, constituted by 54.27% (108) followups, formed mainly by the group of nurses. Considering the meanings attributed to tuberculosis, the psychosocial aspects, expressed refer to the psychological factors suffered by the sick population. It is known that the stigmas influence in a negative way from the diagnosis as well as the adherence to the treatment, delaying or preventing cure of the disease. The health professional plays a very important role in the elaboration of the actions and strategies involved, as well as in the search for a dignified treatment, to contribute to the transformation of stigmatized discourse. Finally, it is suggested that care practices be redirected to health education, considering the singularities of professionals and different social realities.
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spelling Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúdeTuberculoseIdosoProfissional de saúdeRepresentações sociaisTuberculosisOld manHealthcare professionalSocial representationsTuberculosisPersonas de edadavanzadaProfesional de lasaludLasrepresentacionessocialesCNPQ::CIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMThe human sickness caused by Tuberculosis is secular. The disease has killed and decimated populations on all continents leaving deep marks because of their social impact. Hence the importance of exploring the social representations about tuberculosis in the eyes of the elderly and professionals who experience tuberculosis, it is of singular importance to know what they think about the disease. In this sense, this study aims to identify the social representations about tuberculosis constructed by the elderly and to analyze the social representations about tuberculosis by health professionals. It is an exploratory, with a qualitative approach, based on the Theory of Social Representations. Held at the Family Health Units of the Municipality of João Pessoa / Paraíba / Brazil, with 258 elderly and 248 health professionals. A semistructured interview was adopted, contemplating in the first part the Free Association of Words, with the term inductor: "Tuberculosis" and in the second part, socio-demographic data. Empirical data were organized into a database, then processed using the software IRaMuTeQ version 0.7 alpha 2. Two articles emerged. The first article, with 258 elderly people, in which the majority were female, 70.5% (182), had an age group of 73.3% (189) were aged 60 to 79 years, 44.7% (115) Were married, 40.3% (104) had over 8 years of schooling. Three classes emerged: Class 3: psychosocial descriptions of symptomatology, with 86 (36.23%) text segments, brings the representations constructed mainly by the group of elderly people with undefined schooling; And Class 1: descriptions of treatment and care for tuberculosis, was formed by 110 (47.62%) retained text segments, had greater contribution of the group of elderly people over 80 years; Class 2: negative dimensions of tuberculosis, built mainly by the group of elderly people with education under 1 year of basic education, with 35 text segments, equivalent to 15.15% of the retained follow-up. The second article shows that the majority of the subjects were female, 85.9% (213), aged 31 to 59 years, making up 70.6% (175) of the subjects, nurses 22.6% (56), with Service with 0 to 10 years 69.8% (173). Three classes emerged: Class 3, Descriptions of the symptomatology, formed by 25,13% (50) retained follow-ups, had greater contribution of professionals trained in dentistry, in their evocations the professionals correlate the words Tuberculosis, formed by 20.6% 41) Retained Text Followers, the professionals who contributed most to the classes were those in the training groups in physical therapy, physical education, social work and nutrition. According to class 2, descriptions on the treatment of tuberculosis, constituted by 54.27% (108) followups, formed mainly by the group of nurses. Considering the meanings attributed to tuberculosis, the psychosocial aspects, expressed refer to the psychological factors suffered by the sick population. It is known that the stigmas influence in a negative way from the diagnosis as well as the adherence to the treatment, delaying or preventing cure of the disease. The health professional plays a very important role in the elaboration of the actions and strategies involved, as well as in the search for a dignified treatment, to contribute to the transformation of stigmatized discourse. Finally, it is suggested that care practices be redirected to health education, considering the singularities of professionals and different social realities.La enfermedad humana causada por latuberculosis es secular. La enfermedadmató y laspoblaciones de todos los continentes dejando marcas profundas a causa de su impacto social diezmada. De ahílaimportancia de explorar lasrepresentacionessociales de latuberculosisenlosojos de losancianos y losprofesionales que experimentanlatuberculosis, es de singular importancia para saber lo que piensan acerca de laenfermedad. Por lo tanto, este estudiotiene como objetivo identificar lasrepresentacionessociales de latuberculosisconstruido por losancianos y analizarlasrepresentacionessociales de latuberculosis por losprofesionales de lasalud. Eestudioexploratorio, con enfoque cualitativobasadoenlateoría de lasrepresentacionessociales. Celebrada enlas unidades de salud de laciudad de João Pessoa/Paraíba/Brasil, con 258 ancianos y 248 profesionales de lasalud. Adoptamos una entrevista semiestructurada, contemplando enlaprimera parte de laasociación libre de palabrasconel término inductor "Tuberculosis" y la segunda parte, losdatossociodemográficos. Se organizaronlosdatosen una base de datos, entoncesprocesados conlaayuda de laversión de software IRaMuTeQ 0.7alfa 2. Al salir de dos artículos. El primer artículo, con 258 personas de edadavanzada, enla que lamayoríaeranmujeres 70,5% (182) teníateníanedades de 60 a 79 años de edad de edad 73,3% (189), 44,7% (115) estaban casados, 40,3% (104) tenían más de 8 años de estudio. Revelótresclases: Clase 3: descripciones de síntomaspsicosociales, 86 (36,23%) de los segmentos de texto, traerepresentacionesconstruidas principalmente por el grupo de edadavanzadaconlaeducación indefinido; y Clase 1: descripción de laatención y eltratamiento de latuberculosis, se compone de 110 (47,62%) segmentos de texto retenidos, tenía una mayorcontribucióndel grupo de ancianosmayores de 80 años; Clase 2: dimensiones negativas de latuberculosis, construido principalmente conel grupo de ancianos menos educados de 1 año de laescuela primaria, con 35 segmentos de texto, equivalentes al 15,15% de los segmentos retenidos. El segundo artículo señala que lamayoríaeranmujeres 85,9% (213), conedades entre 31-59 años, haciendo 70,6% (175) de lossujetos, lasenfermeras 22,6% (56) coneltiemposerviciocon de 0 a 10 años, 69,8% (173). Emergentes tresclases: Clase 3, descripciones de lossíntomas, que consta de 25,13% (50) retenido segmentos, teníalosprofesionales de laodontologíamayorcontribución formados en sus profesionalesevocacióncorrelacionanpalabrasTuberculosis, formada por 20,6%(41) Seguimiento de texto conserva losprofesionales que contribuyeron a lasclaseseranlos de laformación de grupos en fisioterapia, educación física, eltrabajo social y lanutrición. De acuerdo a laclase 2, descripcionesdeltratamiento de latuberculosis consiste en (108) segmentos de 54,27% formadas principalmente por el grupo de enfermeras. A la vista de los significados atribuidos a latuberculosis, aspectos psicosociales, expresaron informe a factores psicológicos sufridos por lapoblación enferma. Se sabe que los estigmas influyen negativamente desde el diagnóstico, así como laadherencia al tratamiento, prevenir o retrasar la cura. profesionales de lasaludtienenun papel importante eneldesarrollo de acciones y estrategias implicadas, así como enlabúsqueda de untratamiento decente, contribuir a latransformación de lapalabra estigmatizada. Por último, se sugieretambién que lasprácticas de atenciónsonredirigidos a laeducaciónsanitaria, teniendoencuentalas peculiaridades de losprofesionales y las diferentes realidades sociales.NenhumaO adoecimento do humano causado pela Tuberculose é secular. A enfermidade vitimou e dizimou populações em todos os continentes deixando profundas marcas em virtude do seu impacto social.Destarte a importância de explorar as representações sociais sobre a tuberculose no olhar de idosos e profissionais que vivenciam a tuberculose, é de singular importância para se conhecer o que estes pensam sobre a doença. Neste sentido, este estudo tem os objetivos de identificar as representações sociais sobre tuberculose construídas por idosos e analisar as representações sociais da tuberculose por profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um exploratório, com abordagem qualitativo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Realizado nas Unidades de Saúde da Família do Município de João Pessoa/Paraíba/Brasil, com 258 idosos e 248 profissionais de saúde. Adotou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, contemplando na primeira parte a Associação Livre de Palavras, com o termo indutor: “Tuberculose” e na segunda parte, os dados sóciodemográficos. Os dados empíricos foram organizados em um banco de dados, em seguida processados com o auxílio do softwareIRaMuTeQ versão 0.7alfa 2.Emergindo dois artigos. O primeiro artigo, com 258 idosos, no qual a maioria era do sexo feminino 70,5% (182), tinham faixa etária de 73,3% (189) tinham idade de 60 a 79 anos, 44,7% (115) eram casados, 40,3% (104) tinham acima de 8 anos de estudos. Emergiram três classes: Classe 3: descrições psicossociais da sintomatologia, com 86 (36,23%) seguimentos de texto, traz as representações construídas principalmente pelo grupo de idosos com escolaridade não definida; e Classe 1: descrições do tratamento e cuidado para tuberculose, foi formada por 110 (47,62%) segmentos de texto retidos, teve maior contribuição do grupo de idosos com idade superior a 80 anos; Classe 2: dimensões negativas da tuberculose, construída principalmente pelo grupo de idosos com escolaridade menor de 1 anos do ensino básico, com 35 seguimentos de texto, equivalente a 15,15% dos seguimentos retidos. O segundo artigo aponta que a maioria dos participantes foi do sexo feminino 85,9% (213), com idade de 31 a 59 anos, perfazendo 70,6% (175) dos sujeitos, enfermeiros 22,6% (56), com tempo de serviço com de 0 a 10 anos 69,8% (173). Emergindo três classes: classe 3, Descrições da sintomatologia, formada por 25,13% (50) seguimentos retidos, teve maior contribuição dos profissionais formados em odontologia, em suas evocações os profissionais correlacionam a Tuberculose as palavras, formada por 20,6% (41) Seguimentos de Texto retidos, os profissionais que mais contribuíram com as classes foram aqueles dos grupos de formação em fisioterapia, educação física, serviço social e nutrição. De acordo com a classe 2, descrições sobre o tratamento da tuberculose, constituída por 54,27% (108) seguimentos, formada principalmente pelo grupo de enfermeiros. Tendo em vista os sentidos atribuídos a tuberculose, os aspectos psicossociais, expressados reportam aos fatores psicológicos associados ao sofrimento. Sabe-se que os estigmas influenciam de forma negativa desde o diagnostico como também a adesão ao tratamento, retardando ou impossibilitando a cura da doença. O profissional de saúde tem um papel importantíssimo, na elaboração de ações e estratégias envolvidas, assim como na busca de um tratamento digno, contribuir com a transformação do discurso estigmatizado. Por fim, sugere-se ainda, que as práticas de atenção sejam redirecionadas para a educação em saúde, considerando as singularidades dos profissionais e das diferentes realidades sociais.Universidade Federal da ParaíbaBrasilEnfermagemPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EnfermagemUFPBSá, Lenilde Duarte de, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade2018-11-14T17:22:18Z2018-11-142018-11-14T17:22:18Z2017-04-27info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPBinstname:Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) Digital de Teses e Dissertações|| diretoria@ufpb.bropendoar:2018-11-14T17:22:18Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
title Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
spellingShingle Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
Batista, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade
Profissional de saúde
Representações sociais
Old man
Healthcare professional
Social representations
Personas de edadavanzada
Profesional de lasalud
title_short Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
title_full Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
title_fullStr Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
title_full_unstemmed Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
title_sort Sentidos associados à tuberculose por idosos e profissionais de saúde
author Batista, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade
author_facet Batista, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade
author_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Sá, Lenilde Duarte de Batista, Tatiana Pimentel de Andrade
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Tuberculose
Profissional de saúde
Representações sociais
Old man
Healthcare professional
Social representations
Personas de edadavanzada
Profesional de lasalud
topic Tuberculose
Profissional de saúde
Representações sociais
Old man
Healthcare professional
Social representations
Personas de edadavanzada
Profesional de lasalud
description The human sickness caused by Tuberculosis is secular. The disease has killed and decimated populations on all continents leaving deep marks because of their social impact. Hence the importance of exploring the social representations about tuberculosis in the eyes of the elderly and professionals who experience tuberculosis, it is of singular importance to know what they think about the disease. In this sense, this study aims to identify the social representations about tuberculosis constructed by the elderly and to analyze the social representations about tuberculosis by health professionals. It is an exploratory, with a qualitative approach, based on the Theory of Social Representations. Held at the Family Health Units of the Municipality of João Pessoa / Paraíba / Brazil, with 258 elderly and 248 health professionals. A semistructured interview was adopted, contemplating in the first part the Free Association of Words, with the term inductor: "Tuberculosis" and in the second part, socio-demographic data. Empirical data were organized into a database, then processed using the software IRaMuTeQ version 0.7 alpha 2. Two articles emerged. The first article, with 258 elderly people, in which the majority were female, 70.5% (182), had an age group of 73.3% (189) were aged 60 to 79 years, 44.7% (115) Were married, 40.3% (104) had over 8 years of schooling. Three classes emerged: Class 3: psychosocial descriptions of symptomatology, with 86 (36.23%) text segments, brings the representations constructed mainly by the group of elderly people with undefined schooling; And Class 1: descriptions of treatment and care for tuberculosis, was formed by 110 (47.62%) retained text segments, had greater contribution of the group of elderly people over 80 years; Class 2: negative dimensions of tuberculosis, built mainly by the group of elderly people with education under 1 year of basic education, with 35 text segments, equivalent to 15.15% of the retained follow-up. The second article shows that the majority of the subjects were female, 85.9% (213), aged 31 to 59 years, making up 70.6% (175) of the subjects, nurses 22.6% (56), with Service with 0 to 10 years 69.8% (173). Three classes emerged: Class 3, Descriptions of the symptomatology, formed by 25,13% (50) retained follow-ups, had greater contribution of professionals trained in dentistry, in their evocations the professionals correlate the words Tuberculosis, formed by 20.6% 41) Retained Text Followers, the professionals who contributed most to the classes were those in the training groups in physical therapy, physical education, social work and nutrition. According to class 2, descriptions on the treatment of tuberculosis, constituted by 54.27% (108) followups, formed mainly by the group of nurses. Considering the meanings attributed to tuberculosis, the psychosocial aspects, expressed refer to the psychological factors suffered by the sick population. It is known that the stigmas influence in a negative way from the diagnosis as well as the adherence to the treatment, delaying or preventing cure of the disease. The health professional plays a very important role in the elaboration of the actions and strategies involved, as well as in the search for a dignified treatment, to contribute to the transformation of stigmatized discourse. Finally, it is suggested that care practices be redirected to health education, considering the singularities of professionals and different social realities.
publishDate 2017 2017-04-27
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem
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