Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2016
Autor(a) principal: Ribeiro, Alfredo Rangel
Orientador(a): Não Informado pela instituição
Banca de defesa: Não Informado pela instituição
Tipo de documento: Tese
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Ciências Jurídicas
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Não Informado pela instituição
Departamento: Não Informado pela instituição
País: Não Informado pela instituição
Palavras-chave em Português:
Link de acesso:
Resumo: The doctoral thesis entitled "The helical consumption: from tutelage for consumption until protection against the consumption", linked to the line of research "Social Rights, Economic Regulation and Development", aims to propose a new legal model theoretical-pictorial, of relation between consumption able to internalize, as problem methodical-epistemic own of consumer law, consumer pressures on ecosystems. The proposal is the result of a survey that addresses, in a transversal way, issues related to epistemology, the theory of law, economics, ecology and environmental law for redefining the Consumer Law object, to redirect legal-consumerist institutes for consumption sustainable. Traditionally, consumer law, influenced by classic civil law and the CartesianBaconian epistemological paradigm, defines the parameters in the consumption relation as the contractual model created by Savigny, through which the relation between the people are represented by two ends of a straight line. The linear consumption is the result of a reductionist, doctrinal and mechanistic idea of the reality, bringing with it a axiology individualist-patrimonial typical of the nineteenth-century bourgeois ideology. This standard model is subjectively limited to actual or potential contractors, and chronologically detached from the future to relegate the serious impacts of production and consumption to a simple externalities of economic processes. However, the similarity of linear legal theoretical-pictorial models did not induce the ontological identity of the phenomena by these equalized, because the consumption differs substantially from the contractual aspects in the economic, social, cultural, human, and especially environmental. The mistaken equation between them develops consumption as a phenomenon disconnected from its serious effects on the ecosystem, limiting the consumer's right to simple guardianship for consumption, relating it to the Economic Development Law. The global ecological crisis, strongly affected by the explosion of production and increased consumption from the mid-twentieth century, with the undeniable loss of welfare or the viability of life of current and future generations, affect the production driven vision by linear consumption. Phenomena such as the greenhouse effect, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity and others indicate the extrapolation signal ecosystem, imposing epistemological change that subordinates economic growth to the emerging value of environmental sustainability. At the same time, occurs the collapse of the traditional paradigms of scientific linear models designed under its influence. Emerges, however, the innovative methodical-epistemic proposals, committed to the solution of complex contemporary social and environmental problems and the preservation of ecosystems for future generations. Sustainability is established as a value that limits human activities, breaking with the legal / economic rationality of cartesian-baconian matrix and starring political and legal agenda at global and local level. In this context, the helical consumption, legal model theoreticalpictorial multidimensional and holistic, seems to be able to contemplate the use of pressures on ecosystems, shaping complex relationships between the economy, society and natural systems. In the helical perspective, the classic institutions provided for in the Consumer Protection Code are redirected to the protection against of unsustainable consumption, humanizing the Consumer Law and approaching the Human Right to Development.
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spelling Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumoRelação de consumoModelos jurídicos teórico-imagéticosCrise ambientalEpistemologia ambientalSustentabilidadeConsumption relationTheoretical-pictorial legal modelsEnvironmental crisisEnvironmental epistemologySustainabilityConsumption relationTheoretical-pictorial legalEnvironmental crisisEnvironmental epistemologySustainabilityCNPQ::CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOThe doctoral thesis entitled "The helical consumption: from tutelage for consumption until protection against the consumption", linked to the line of research "Social Rights, Economic Regulation and Development", aims to propose a new legal model theoretical-pictorial, of relation between consumption able to internalize, as problem methodical-epistemic own of consumer law, consumer pressures on ecosystems. The proposal is the result of a survey that addresses, in a transversal way, issues related to epistemology, the theory of law, economics, ecology and environmental law for redefining the Consumer Law object, to redirect legal-consumerist institutes for consumption sustainable. Traditionally, consumer law, influenced by classic civil law and the CartesianBaconian epistemological paradigm, defines the parameters in the consumption relation as the contractual model created by Savigny, through which the relation between the people are represented by two ends of a straight line. The linear consumption is the result of a reductionist, doctrinal and mechanistic idea of the reality, bringing with it a axiology individualist-patrimonial typical of the nineteenth-century bourgeois ideology. This standard model is subjectively limited to actual or potential contractors, and chronologically detached from the future to relegate the serious impacts of production and consumption to a simple externalities of economic processes. However, the similarity of linear legal theoretical-pictorial models did not induce the ontological identity of the phenomena by these equalized, because the consumption differs substantially from the contractual aspects in the economic, social, cultural, human, and especially environmental. The mistaken equation between them develops consumption as a phenomenon disconnected from its serious effects on the ecosystem, limiting the consumer's right to simple guardianship for consumption, relating it to the Economic Development Law. The global ecological crisis, strongly affected by the explosion of production and increased consumption from the mid-twentieth century, with the undeniable loss of welfare or the viability of life of current and future generations, affect the production driven vision by linear consumption. Phenomena such as the greenhouse effect, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity and others indicate the extrapolation signal ecosystem, imposing epistemological change that subordinates economic growth to the emerging value of environmental sustainability. At the same time, occurs the collapse of the traditional paradigms of scientific linear models designed under its influence. Emerges, however, the innovative methodical-epistemic proposals, committed to the solution of complex contemporary social and environmental problems and the preservation of ecosystems for future generations. Sustainability is established as a value that limits human activities, breaking with the legal / economic rationality of cartesian-baconian matrix and starring political and legal agenda at global and local level. In this context, the helical consumption, legal model theoreticalpictorial multidimensional and holistic, seems to be able to contemplate the use of pressures on ecosystems, shaping complex relationships between the economy, society and natural systems. In the helical perspective, the classic institutions provided for in the Consumer Protection Code are redirected to the protection against of unsustainable consumption, humanizing the Consumer Law and approaching the Human Right to Development.La tesis doctoral intitulada “Consumo helicoidal: desde la tutela para el consumo hasta la protección contra el consumo”, vinculada a la línea de pesquisa “Derechos Sociales, Regulación Económica y Desarrollo”, objetiva proponer nueva imagen jurídica modelar de relación de consumo capaz de internalizar, como problema metódico-epistémico propio del Derecho del Consumidor, las presiones del consumo sobre los ecosistemas. La propuesta resulta de investigación que aborda transversalmente temas ligados a la epistemología, teoría del Derecho, Economía, ecología y Derecho Ambiental para, reconstruyendo el objeto del Derecho del Consumidor para reorientar sus institutos al consumo sostenible. Tradicionalmente, el Derecho del Consumidor, influenciado por la teoría clásica del Derecho Civil y por el paradigma epistemológico cartesiano-baconiano, parametrizó la relación de consumo a la semejanza del modelo obligacional linear de Savigny, por lo cual los sujetos de la relación son representados por dos puntos extremados por un segmento de reta. El consumo linear resulta de la percepción reduccionista, disciplinar y mecanicista de la realidad, trayendo consigo la superada axiología individual y patrimonialista típica de la ideología burguesa del ochocientos. Tal padrón modelar es subjetivamente limitado a los contratantes efectivos o potenciales, además de cronológicamente desvinculado del futuro por relegar los graves impactos de la producción y del consumo a meras externalidades de los procesos económicos. Sin embargo, la similitud de los modelos jurídicos lineares no induce a la identidad ontológica de los fenómenos por ellos modulados, pues el consumo difiere sustancialmente de la relación obligacional por aspectos económicos, sociales, culturales, humanos y, sobre todo, ambientales. La equiparación entre ellos concibe el consumo como fenómeno desconectado de sus graves efectos en el ecosistema, limitando el derecho del consumidor a mera tutela para consumir, vinculándolo al Derecho Económico del Desarrollo. La crisis ecológica global, fuertemente condicionada por la explosión de la producción y del consumo acentuados a partir del medio del siglo XX, con innegable comprometimiento del bienestar o mismo de la viabilidad de la vida de las actuales y futuras generaciones, también ha comprometido la visión productivista estimulada por el consumo linear. Fenómenos como el efecto estufa, calentamiento global, depleción de la camada de ozono, disminución de la biodiversidad y otros señalizan el fin de la resiliencia de los ecosistemas, imponiendo guiñada epistemológica que ponga el crecimiento económico bajo del valor emergente de la sostenibilidad socio ambiental. Simultáneamente, entran en colapso el paradigma científico tradicional y los modelos lineares concebidos bajo su influencia. Emergen, en contrapartida, propuestas metódico-epistémicas innovadoras, comprometidas con la solución de los complejos problemas socio ambientales contemporáneos e con la preservación de los ecosistemas para las futuras generaciones. La sostenibilidad se consolida como valor limitador de las actividades humanas, rompiendo con la racionalidad jurídico-económica de matriz cartesiano-baconiana y protagonizando la agenda política y jurídica en nivel mundial y local. En ese contexto, el consumo helicoidal, imagen jurídica modelar multidimensional y holística, se muestra capaz de contemplar las presiones del consumo sobre los ecosistemas, modelando las complejas interacciones inter sistémicas entre economía, sociedad y naturaleza. En perspectiva helicoidal, los institutos clásicos previstos en el Código de Defensa del Consumidor son re-direccionados para la protección contra el consumo no sostenible, humanizando el Derecho del Consumidor y aproximándolo del Derecho Humano al Desarrollo.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESA tese doutoral intitulada “Consumo helicoidal: da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo”, vinculada à linha de pesquisa “Direitos Sociais, Regulação Econômica e Desenvolvimento”, objetiva propor novo modelo jurídico teórico-imagético de relação de consumo capaz de internalizar, como problema metódico-epistêmico próprio do Direito do Consumidor, as pressões do consumo sobre os ecossistemas. A proposta resulta de investigação que aborda transversalmente temas ligados à Epistemologia, Teoria do Direito, Economia, Ecologia e Direito Ambiental para, reconstruindo o objeto do Direito do Consumidor, reorientar os institutos jurídico-consumeristas ao consumo sustentável. Tradicionalmente, a consumerística, influenciada pela civilística clássica e pelo paradigma epistemológico cartesiano-baconiano , parametrizou a relação de consumo à semelhança do modelo obrigacional linear savignyano, pelo qual os sujeitos da relação são representados por dois pontos extremados por um segmento de reta. O consumo linear resulta da percepção reducionista, disciplinar e mecanicista da realidade, trazendo consigo a superada axiologia individual-patrimonialista típica da ideologia burguesa oitocentista. Tal padrão modelar é subjetivamente limitado aos contratantes efetivos ou potenciais, além de cronologicamente desvinculado do futuro por relegar os graves impactos da produção e do consumo a meras externalidades dos processos econômicos. Contudo, a similaridade dos modelos jurídicos teórico-imagéticos lineares não induz à identidade ontológica dos fenômenos por eles modulados, pois o consumo difere substancialmente da relação obrigacional por aspectos econômicos, sociais, culturais, humanos e, sobretudo, ambientais. A equivocada equiparação entre ambos concebe o consumo como fenômeno desconectado dos seus graves efeitos ecossistêmicos, limitando o direito do consumidor à mera tutela para consumir , vinculando-o ao Direito Econômico do Desenvolvimento. A crise ecológica global, fortemente condicionada pela explosão da produção e do consumo acentuados a partir de meados do século XX, com inegável comprometimento do bem-estar ou mesmo da viabilidade da vida das atuais e futuras gerações, colocou em xeque a visão produtivista estimulada pelo consumo linear. Fenômenos como o efeito estufa, aquecimento global, depleção da camada de ozônio, diminuição da biodiversidade e outros sinalizam a extrapolação resiliência dos ecossistemas, impondo guinada epistemológica que subordine o crescimento econômico ao valor emergente da sustentabilidade socioambiental. Simultaneamente, entram em colapso o paradigma científico tradicional e os modelos lineares concebidos sob sua influência. Emergem, em contrapartida, propostas metódico-epistêmicas inovadoras, comprometidas com a solução dos complexos problemas socioambientais contemporâneos e com a preservação dos ecossistemas para as gerações porvindouras. A sustentabilidade se consolida como valor limitador das atividades humanas, rompendo com a racionalidade jurídico-econômica de matriz cartesiano-baconiana e protagonizando a agenda política e jurídica em nível mundial e local. Nesse contexto, o consumo helicoidal, modelo jurídico teórico-imagético multidimensional e holístico, mostra-se capaz de contemplar as pressões do consumo sobre os ecossistemas, modelando as complexas interações intersistêmicas entre economia, sociedade e natureza. Em perspectiva helicoidal, os institutos clássicos previstos no Código de Defesa do Consumidor são redirecionados para a proteção em face do consumo não sustentável, humanizando o Direito do Consumidor e o aproximando do Direito Humano ao Desenvolvimento.Universidade Federal da ParaíbaBrasilCiências JurídicasPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências JurídicasUFPBFeitosa , Maria Luiza Pereira de Alencar Mayer, Alfredo Rangel2018-08-30T18:01:08Z2018-08-302018-08-30T18:01:08Z2016-02-29info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPBinstname:Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) Digital de Teses e Dissertações|| diretoria@ufpb.bropendoar:2018-09-06T02:51:53Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
title Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
spellingShingle Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
Ribeiro, Alfredo Rangel
Relação de consumo
Modelos jurídicos teórico-imagéticos
Crise ambiental
Epistemologia ambiental
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal models
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
title_short Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
title_full Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
title_fullStr Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
title_full_unstemmed Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
title_sort Consumo helicoidal da tutela para o consumo à proteção em face do consumo
author Ribeiro, Alfredo Rangel
author_facet Ribeiro, Alfredo Rangel
author_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Feitosa , Maria Luiza Pereira de Alencar Mayer Ribeiro, Alfredo Rangel
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Relação de consumo
Modelos jurídicos teórico-imagéticos
Crise ambiental
Epistemologia ambiental
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal models
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
topic Relação de consumo
Modelos jurídicos teórico-imagéticos
Crise ambiental
Epistemologia ambiental
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal models
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
Consumption relation
Theoretical-pictorial legal
Environmental crisis
Environmental epistemology
description The doctoral thesis entitled "The helical consumption: from tutelage for consumption until protection against the consumption", linked to the line of research "Social Rights, Economic Regulation and Development", aims to propose a new legal model theoretical-pictorial, of relation between consumption able to internalize, as problem methodical-epistemic own of consumer law, consumer pressures on ecosystems. The proposal is the result of a survey that addresses, in a transversal way, issues related to epistemology, the theory of law, economics, ecology and environmental law for redefining the Consumer Law object, to redirect legal-consumerist institutes for consumption sustainable. Traditionally, consumer law, influenced by classic civil law and the CartesianBaconian epistemological paradigm, defines the parameters in the consumption relation as the contractual model created by Savigny, through which the relation between the people are represented by two ends of a straight line. The linear consumption is the result of a reductionist, doctrinal and mechanistic idea of the reality, bringing with it a axiology individualist-patrimonial typical of the nineteenth-century bourgeois ideology. This standard model is subjectively limited to actual or potential contractors, and chronologically detached from the future to relegate the serious impacts of production and consumption to a simple externalities of economic processes. However, the similarity of linear legal theoretical-pictorial models did not induce the ontological identity of the phenomena by these equalized, because the consumption differs substantially from the contractual aspects in the economic, social, cultural, human, and especially environmental. The mistaken equation between them develops consumption as a phenomenon disconnected from its serious effects on the ecosystem, limiting the consumer's right to simple guardianship for consumption, relating it to the Economic Development Law. The global ecological crisis, strongly affected by the explosion of production and increased consumption from the mid-twentieth century, with the undeniable loss of welfare or the viability of life of current and future generations, affect the production driven vision by linear consumption. Phenomena such as the greenhouse effect, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity and others indicate the extrapolation signal ecosystem, imposing epistemological change that subordinates economic growth to the emerging value of environmental sustainability. At the same time, occurs the collapse of the traditional paradigms of scientific linear models designed under its influence. Emerges, however, the innovative methodical-epistemic proposals, committed to the solution of complex contemporary social and environmental problems and the preservation of ecosystems for future generations. Sustainability is established as a value that limits human activities, breaking with the legal / economic rationality of cartesian-baconian matrix and starring political and legal agenda at global and local level. In this context, the helical consumption, legal model theoreticalpictorial multidimensional and holistic, seems to be able to contemplate the use of pressures on ecosystems, shaping complex relationships between the economy, society and natural systems. In the helical perspective, the classic institutions provided for in the Consumer Protection Code are redirected to the protection against of unsustainable consumption, humanizing the Consumer Law and approaching the Human Right to Development.
publishDate 2016 2016-02-29
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
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dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Ciências Jurídicas
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Ciências Jurídicas
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB
instname:Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)
instname_str Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)
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reponame_str Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB
collection Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)
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