Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional

Detalhes bibliográficos
Ano de defesa: 2011
Autor(a) principal: Pontes, Mônica da Silva
Orientador(a): Neves, Júlio César Lima lattes
Banca de defesa: Mattiello, Edson Marcio lattes, Martins, Lafayete Gonçalves Campelo lattes
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Tipo de acesso: Acesso aberto
Idioma: por
Instituição de defesa: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Programa de Pós-Graduação: Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
Departamento: Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,
País: BR
Palavras-chave em Português:
Palavras-chave em Inglês:
Área do conhecimento CNPq:
Link de acesso:
Resumo: Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) is a tree species original from southwest Asia that have adapted well to the Brazilian climatic conditions, especially in the MatoGrosso state. The area planted with teak in Brazil is rising due to its high quality wood and high price at the international market. The productive potential of teak stands can be obtained through modeling and constitutes an input variable to fertilizer recommendation systems based in the nutritional balance (e.g. FERTI-UFV TECA). Recommendations from these systems can be refined by monitoring the nutritional status of the stands based on the leaf nutrient status through NUTRI-UFV TECA. The objectives of this work were: a) parameterize and calibrate 3-PG model for teak stands in the mid-south region of Mato Grosso state; b) evaluate the universality of 3-PG parameterization as function of the forest sites; c) enable 3-PG to estimate teak stands productivity in sites managed by thinning; d) improve FERTI-UFV TECA (Plant submodel) and NUTRI-UFV TECA systems for fertilizer and lime recommendations and nutritional monitoring of teak stands in the Mato Grosso state. This work was carried out in the Santo Antônio do Leverger region MT, in commercial teak stands owned by the Vale do Araguaia Company. The teak stands were sampled at different stages in their cycles (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 years). Within each sampled stand three trees were cut, measured in terms of DBH and height and separated in its omponents leaves ran hes and trunk . The trees were lassified a ording to their D H as inferior x s mean x s x x s and superior x s and had the on entrations of a g, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and B determined for each component. In order to parameterize 3-PG, allometric equations were adjusted to describe biomass production as function of DBH. The diametric distribution model (DDM) employed used the Weibull probability density function adjusted y the maximum likelihood method. β e γ parameters of this function were adjusted for each plot and age, and then correlated with site characteristics. In order to parameterize FERTI-UFV TECA nutrient status of each component was used to estimate the biological utilization coefficient (BUC). For NUTRI-UFV TECA standard nutrient levels (Kenworthy standards) and dual ratios among nutrients (DRIS standards) were estimated based on leaf analysis from 10 locations in Mato Grosso state, comprising teak stands from 1 up to 11 years. Those standards were separated in 2 classes: I) comprising trees up to 5 years old, and II) trees older than 5 years old, with the reference population been constituted by trees growing above than the average. After the parameterization NUTRI-UFV TECA was used to evaluate the nutritional status of the teak stands in Santo Antônio do Leverger. 3-PG returned good estimates for stem (trunk + branches), DBH, height, leaf biomass, and wood volume. With the coupling of DDM it was possible to distribute stem biomass and basal area by 3-PG in diametric classes. The growing and productivity estimates obtained in this present work differed from those by Behling (2009), indicating that 3-PG parameterizations are not universal for teak. Nutrient concentrations varied as a function of the increase in diameter and this variation was different among the compartments. As BUC is the inverse of nutrient concentration, it also varied as a function of DBH. These BUC values and the potential productivity estimated by 3-PG were used to estimate the nutritional demand. In the NUTRI-UFV TECA system general standards differed statistically from age class stratified standards. The coupling of 3-PG and DDM improved the productivity estimates in thinned stands. However, it should be parameterized and calibrated for each region. The models obtained for the BUC values as a function of the age are useful to improve FERTI-UFV TECA system. The foliar nutrient concentration standards and the dual nutrient ratios obtained in this work are useful to improve NUTRI-UFV TECA system, recommending the use of specific standards for each class of age.
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spelling Pontes, Mônica da Silva, Nairam Félix de, Hélio Garcia, Júlio César Lima, Edson Marcio, Lafayete Gonçalves Campelo, Mônica da Silva. Parameterization of 3-PG model for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and of FERTI-UFV and NUTRI-UFV systems to subsidize its nutritional management. 2011. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011. (Tectona grandis L.f.) is a tree species original from southwest Asia that have adapted well to the Brazilian climatic conditions, especially in the MatoGrosso state. The area planted with teak in Brazil is rising due to its high quality wood and high price at the international market. The productive potential of teak stands can be obtained through modeling and constitutes an input variable to fertilizer recommendation systems based in the nutritional balance (e.g. FERTI-UFV TECA). Recommendations from these systems can be refined by monitoring the nutritional status of the stands based on the leaf nutrient status through NUTRI-UFV TECA. The objectives of this work were: a) parameterize and calibrate 3-PG model for teak stands in the mid-south region of Mato Grosso state; b) evaluate the universality of 3-PG parameterization as function of the forest sites; c) enable 3-PG to estimate teak stands productivity in sites managed by thinning; d) improve FERTI-UFV TECA (Plant submodel) and NUTRI-UFV TECA systems for fertilizer and lime recommendations and nutritional monitoring of teak stands in the Mato Grosso state. This work was carried out in the Santo Antônio do Leverger region MT, in commercial teak stands owned by the Vale do Araguaia Company. The teak stands were sampled at different stages in their cycles (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 years). Within each sampled stand three trees were cut, measured in terms of DBH and height and separated in its omponents leaves ran hes and trunk . The trees were lassified a ording to their D H as inferior x s mean x s x x s and superior x s and had the on entrations of a g, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and B determined for each component. In order to parameterize 3-PG, allometric equations were adjusted to describe biomass production as function of DBH. The diametric distribution model (DDM) employed used the Weibull probability density function adjusted y the maximum likelihood method. β e γ parameters of this function were adjusted for each plot and age, and then correlated with site characteristics. In order to parameterize FERTI-UFV TECA nutrient status of each component was used to estimate the biological utilization coefficient (BUC). For NUTRI-UFV TECA standard nutrient levels (Kenworthy standards) and dual ratios among nutrients (DRIS standards) were estimated based on leaf analysis from 10 locations in Mato Grosso state, comprising teak stands from 1 up to 11 years. Those standards were separated in 2 classes: I) comprising trees up to 5 years old, and II) trees older than 5 years old, with the reference population been constituted by trees growing above than the average. After the parameterization NUTRI-UFV TECA was used to evaluate the nutritional status of the teak stands in Santo Antônio do Leverger. 3-PG returned good estimates for stem (trunk + branches), DBH, height, leaf biomass, and wood volume. With the coupling of DDM it was possible to distribute stem biomass and basal area by 3-PG in diametric classes. The growing and productivity estimates obtained in this present work differed from those by Behling (2009), indicating that 3-PG parameterizations are not universal for teak. Nutrient concentrations varied as a function of the increase in diameter and this variation was different among the compartments. As BUC is the inverse of nutrient concentration, it also varied as a function of DBH. These BUC values and the potential productivity estimated by 3-PG were used to estimate the nutritional demand. In the NUTRI-UFV TECA system general standards differed statistically from age class stratified standards. The coupling of 3-PG and DDM improved the productivity estimates in thinned stands. However, it should be parameterized and calibrated for each region. The models obtained for the BUC values as a function of the age are useful to improve FERTI-UFV TECA system. The foliar nutrient concentration standards and the dual nutrient ratios obtained in this work are useful to improve NUTRI-UFV TECA system, recommending the use of specific standards for each class of age.A teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) é originária do sudoeste asiático, sendo cultivada no Mato Grosso com sucesso, visando à obtenção de madeira para serraria de ótima qualidade e de elevado valor no mercado internacional. O potencial produtivo de povoamentos de teca pode ser obtido por meio de modelagem baseada em processos e constitui-se em variável de entrada para sistema de recomendação de adubação baseado em balanço nutricional como, por exemplo, o FERTI-UFV TECA. As recomendações assim obtidas podem ser refinadas mediante o monitoramento do estado nutricional com base em análise de tecido foliar pelo uso do NUTRI-UFV TECA. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) parametrizar e calibrar o modelo 3-PG para povoamentos de teca na região Centro-Sul do Mato Grosso; b) Avaliar o grau de universalidade das parametrizações do 3-PG em função do sítio florestal; c) Habilitar o 3-PG para estimar a produtividade, em povoamento de teca, manejados com desbaste; d) Aprimorar os sistemas FERTI-UFV TECA (submodelo Planta) e NUTRI-UFV TECA para a recomendação de fertilização e o monitoramento nutricional dessa cultura no Estado de Mato Grosso. Para tanto, o trabalho foi conduzido na região de Sto. Antônio do Leverger MT, em plantios seminais pertencentes a empresa Companhia do Vale do Araguaia. Para povoamentos de cada idade avaliada (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 11 anos) foram abatidas três árvores, classificadas, de acordo com DAP, em árvore inferior (árvore menor que a média menos uma unidade do desvio padrão), árvore média, e árvore superior (maior que a media mais uma unidade do desvio padrão). Essas árvores foram mensuradas quanto ao dap e altura, e separadas em seus componentes (folhas, galhos e tronco). Foram determinados os teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu e B nos componentes das árvores pelos métodos rotineiros e a área foliar específica. Para a parametrização do 3-PG, foram ajustadas equações alométricas para descrever a produção de biomassa em função do dap. O modelo de distribuição diamétrica (MDD) empregado utilizou a função densidade de probabilidade de Weibull ajustada pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Os parâmetros β e γ desta função foram ajustados para cada parcela em cada idade, e correlacionados com características do povoamento. Para a parametrização do FERTI-UFV TECA os teores dos nutrientes nos componentes da parte aérea foram utilizados para calcular as respectivas eficiências nutricionais (CUB), e para o NUTRI-UFV TECA foram obtidos as normas de teores (normas Kenworthy) e relações duais entre os teores (normas DRIS) com base nos resultados de análises foliares de teca em 10 municípios do Estado do Mato Grosso abrangendo, em conjunto, plantios de 1 a 11 anos. As normas obtidas foram estratificadas em classe I = árvores de até cinco anos e classe II = árvores com mais de cinco anos, sendo a população de referência, para cada classe, constituída das árvores que apresentaram crescimento maior que a média. O sistema NUTRI-UFV TECA após parametrizado foi utilizado para avaliar o estado nutricional de povoamentos em Sto. Antônio do Leverger. O 3-PG proporcionou boas estimativas para biomassa de stem (tronco + galhos), dap, altura, biomassa de folha e volume de lenho. Com o ajuste dos MDD, foi possível distribuir a biomassa de stem e a área basal estimada pelo 3-PG nas diferentes classes diamétricas e a partir daí foi simulado desbaste pela remoção de árvores das menores classes diamétricas. As estimativas de crescimento e produção obtidas neste trabalho diferem das estimativas obtidas pela parametrização desenvolvida por Behling, 2009, indicando a não universalidade das parametrizações do 3-PG para teca. Os teores de nutrientes variaram em função do crescimento em diâmetro, e essa variação foi dependente do compartimento da planta. Logo os valores de CUB, que é o inverso do teor, também variaram em função do dap. A produtividade potencial obtida com o modelo 3-PG, e os valores de CUB foram utilizados para estimar a demanda nutricional. No sistema NUTRI-UFV TECA as normas gerais diferiram estatisticamente das normas estratificadas por classe de idade. O modelo 3-PG adicionado do MDD proporcionou melhores estimativas de produtividade em povoamentos manejos com desbastes, devendo, contudo, ser parametrizado e calibrado para cada região de plantio da cultura. Os modelos obtidos para os valores de CUB em função da idade são úteis para aprimorar o sistema FERTI-UFV TECA. As normas de teores e relações entre teores foliares geradas neste trabalho são úteis ao aprimoramento do sistema NUTRI-UFV TECA, recomendando-se o uso de normas específicas por classe de idade.application/pdfporUniversidade Federal de ViçosaMestrado em Solos e Nutrição de PlantasUFVBRFertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,TecaModelagem de crescimentoDiagnose foliarTeakModeling of growthFoliar analysisCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIA::CIENCIA DO SOLOParametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricionalParameterization of 3-PG model for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and of FERTI-UFV and NUTRI-UFV systems to subsidize its nutritional managementinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFVinstname:Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)instacron:UFVORIGINALtexto completo.pdfapplication/pdf2966615 completo.pdf.txttexto completo.pdf.txtExtracted texttext/plain164235 completo.pdf.jpgtexto completo.pdf.jpgIM Thumbnailimage/jpeg3438ório InstitucionalPUB Repositório Institucional da UFV - Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Parameterization of 3-PG model for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and of FERTI-UFV and NUTRI-UFV systems to subsidize its nutritional management
title Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
spellingShingle Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
Pontes, Mônica da Silva
Modelagem de crescimento
Diagnose foliar
Modeling of growth
Foliar analysis
title_short Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
title_full Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
title_fullStr Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
title_full_unstemmed Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
title_sort Parametrização do modelo 3-PG para teca (Tectona grandis L.f.) e dos sistemas FERTI-UFV e NUTRI-UFV para subsidiar o seu manejo nutricional
author Pontes, Mônica da Silva
author_facet Pontes, Mônica da Silva
author_role author
dc.contributor.authorLattes.por.fl_str_mv Pontes, Mônica da Silva
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Barros, Nairam Félix de
dc.contributor.advisor-co2.fl_str_mv Leite, Hélio Garcia
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Neves, Júlio César Lima
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Mattiello, Edson Marcio
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Martins, Lafayete Gonçalves Campelo
contributor_str_mv Barros, Nairam Félix de
Leite, Hélio Garcia
Neves, Júlio César Lima
Mattiello, Edson Marcio
Martins, Lafayete Gonçalves Campelo
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Teca
Modelagem de crescimento
Diagnose foliar
topic Teca
Modelagem de crescimento
Diagnose foliar
Modeling of growth
Foliar analysis
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Teak
Modeling of growth
Foliar analysis
description Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) is a tree species original from southwest Asia that have adapted well to the Brazilian climatic conditions, especially in the MatoGrosso state. The area planted with teak in Brazil is rising due to its high quality wood and high price at the international market. The productive potential of teak stands can be obtained through modeling and constitutes an input variable to fertilizer recommendation systems based in the nutritional balance (e.g. FERTI-UFV TECA). Recommendations from these systems can be refined by monitoring the nutritional status of the stands based on the leaf nutrient status through NUTRI-UFV TECA. The objectives of this work were: a) parameterize and calibrate 3-PG model for teak stands in the mid-south region of Mato Grosso state; b) evaluate the universality of 3-PG parameterization as function of the forest sites; c) enable 3-PG to estimate teak stands productivity in sites managed by thinning; d) improve FERTI-UFV TECA (Plant submodel) and NUTRI-UFV TECA systems for fertilizer and lime recommendations and nutritional monitoring of teak stands in the Mato Grosso state. This work was carried out in the Santo Antônio do Leverger region MT, in commercial teak stands owned by the Vale do Araguaia Company. The teak stands were sampled at different stages in their cycles (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 years). Within each sampled stand three trees were cut, measured in terms of DBH and height and separated in its omponents leaves ran hes and trunk . The trees were lassified a ording to their D H as inferior x s mean x s x x s and superior x s and had the on entrations of a g, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and B determined for each component. In order to parameterize 3-PG, allometric equations were adjusted to describe biomass production as function of DBH. The diametric distribution model (DDM) employed used the Weibull probability density function adjusted y the maximum likelihood method. β e γ parameters of this function were adjusted for each plot and age, and then correlated with site characteristics. In order to parameterize FERTI-UFV TECA nutrient status of each component was used to estimate the biological utilization coefficient (BUC). For NUTRI-UFV TECA standard nutrient levels (Kenworthy standards) and dual ratios among nutrients (DRIS standards) were estimated based on leaf analysis from 10 locations in Mato Grosso state, comprising teak stands from 1 up to 11 years. Those standards were separated in 2 classes: I) comprising trees up to 5 years old, and II) trees older than 5 years old, with the reference population been constituted by trees growing above than the average. After the parameterization NUTRI-UFV TECA was used to evaluate the nutritional status of the teak stands in Santo Antônio do Leverger. 3-PG returned good estimates for stem (trunk + branches), DBH, height, leaf biomass, and wood volume. With the coupling of DDM it was possible to distribute stem biomass and basal area by 3-PG in diametric classes. The growing and productivity estimates obtained in this present work differed from those by Behling (2009), indicating that 3-PG parameterizations are not universal for teak. Nutrient concentrations varied as a function of the increase in diameter and this variation was different among the compartments. As BUC is the inverse of nutrient concentration, it also varied as a function of DBH. These BUC values and the potential productivity estimated by 3-PG were used to estimate the nutritional demand. In the NUTRI-UFV TECA system general standards differed statistically from age class stratified standards. The coupling of 3-PG and DDM improved the productivity estimates in thinned stands. However, it should be parameterized and calibrated for each region. The models obtained for the BUC values as a function of the age are useful to improve FERTI-UFV TECA system. The foliar nutrient concentration standards and the dual nutrient ratios obtained in this work are useful to improve NUTRI-UFV TECA system, recommending the use of specific standards for each class of age.
publishDate 2011 2011-07-26 2012-12-27
2015-03-26T13:53:22Z 2015-03-26T13:53:22Z
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv PONTES, Mônica da Silva. Parameterization of 3-PG model for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and of FERTI-UFV and NUTRI-UFV systems to subsidize its nutritional management. 2011. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.
identifier_str_mv PONTES, Mônica da Silva. Parameterization of 3-PG model for teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and of FERTI-UFV and NUTRI-UFV systems to subsidize its nutritional management. 2011. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UFV BR
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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